Last Wednesday whilst Sevilla were brushing aside Liverpool in the Europa League Final Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce and their esteemed member Richard Drax organised a Brexit Love In at the Pavilion. On the panel were Drax himself; Kate Hoey (Labour); Nigel Farage (UKIP) and Tim Martin (the billionaire owner of Weatherspoons). All sat on a stage and told the audience to leave the EU. Whether they told the truth or lied through their collective orifices made no difference as this was about personality and people dribbling at seeing Mr Farage in the flesh. Only confident audience members who did not mind challenging the propaganda were going to upset this party.
Across the country proper debates have been organised but not in this sea side town in which few take responsibility and many blame anyone with a different accent let alone from a different country and culture (the younger members of the community tend to be more tolerant in my experience). Having spent a few hours on a friends facebook page looking through some of the comments I am yet again reminded how glad I am not to be on social media. It is not the vile comments that bother me so much but the utter ignorance and non willingness to be anything but that is so depressing. Having read research earlier in the year that suggested sea side towns would largely vote OUT and the big urban areas IN I was a little sceptical. Having read through some of the utter nonsense though on social media one half of the equation is definitely being fulfilled.
This referendum is not for many about reality. It is about believing the Express, Mail, Telegraph, Sun, Mirror, Guardian…
This referendum is not for many researching and making sure that their vote reflects understanding. It is about prejudice and ignorance.
Just as many had predicted a couple of years ago when David Cameron ‘agreed’ to let us have a choice. The irony, given that the European Commission is supposed to be anti democratic, that the only reason we got one was because of in fighting within the government not because of democracy.
What are the Chamber of Commerce so scared of? Or is it because Mr Drax points the direction and all the others dance behind him? I would love to know but very much doubt that it will be possible.
If anyone is interested the Stay campaign event is at Weymouth College but no one apparently knows who has been invited to sit on the panel.
Says a lot about the Chamber doesn’t it? They wouldn’t know democracy if it was wrapped in £50 notes.
Douglas James