13.8 C
Sunday, October 6, 2024
I am glad to support the local People's NHS campaign to exclude the NHS from TTIP, the transatlantic trade deal that is currently being negotiated on our behalf – and in secret – by the European Union. I call upon Bob Walters – the current MP for North Dorset –...
A lobbyist named 'Hoare' standing for MP. Surely not. Following the shipping in of David Cameron's lobbyist friend to run for MP in North Dorset we have been sent some interesting information about their past relationship and why it may do the reputation of North Dorset constituents no favours....
The Liberal Democrat candidate for North Dorset, Hugo Mieville has joined a growing number of Liberal Democrats, by breaking ranks to call on David Cameron to use his European veto to protect the NHS from irreversible privatisation. On September 2014, the coalition government’s trade minister Lord Livingston confirmed that...
Three stories over the Christmas break highlight that policy makers are no longer prioritising the environment or giving real thought to the impact of their decisions on pensioners, the disabled and anyone unable to drive. Dorset County Council publicised its opposition to the Navitas wind farm off the coast...
In the world of activism sometimes things can go a bit quiet but happily that is not true for the Dorset Group of The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). In the last few months Dorset IWW has experienced an exponential growth in membership as government cuts and anti...
The country’s first tri-council partnership has been agreed by Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, North Dorset District Council and West Dorset District Council. The ground-breaking partnership proposal will see the councils share a single workforce and chief executive, saving £6 million by 2020. Councillors approved the proposals at each...
The  very idea that the New Labour government of 1997-2010 was some kind of left-wing project is probably the single biggest myth in UK politics.1979 and all thatNew Labour was clearly a continuation of the Thatcherite experiment, she said so herself. When Thatcher introduced right-wing neoliberal economics to UK politics in 1979 it was undoubtedly an extremist ideology....
West Dorset district councillors have agreed at Full Council today (23/10) to join forces with North Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council as part of a groundbreaking tri-council partnership. The partnership could save the three councils £6 million by 2020. Both North Dorset and Weymouth &...
We’re not fascists, are we, dear?Bring that bottle over here.Now. Where was I? Enoch Powell?Sod this irritable bowel!Do you play goff? Come down the club.Just a snifter, lovely grub……What, no blazer? Borrow mine.Chin chin. Maggie, ‘79!Now. Where was I? Nigel Farage?Dear! More bottles in the garage....Really don’t want to...
The Real Britain fringe event, “Real Britain: Putting People Back into Politics”, was standing room only and the stuff of proper politics.  Passionate, angry and ideological.  On the panel, chaired by the Mirror’s Kevin Maguire, were Len McClusky general secretary of Unite, veteran Harry Leslie Smith, sanctions campaigner Gill Thompson,...