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Sunday, June 30, 2024
In another week when a politician takes a giant leap backwards in the human evolutionary chain and reminds us why they are so unfit for any kind of power, the contaminated icing on the turd must be yet again Boris Johnson. The Boris Johnson IQ Test Courtesy of Tom...
In 2010 the incoming government was handed a note penned by departing treasury minister Liam Byrne which read, "Dear chief secretary, I’m afraid there is no money. Kind regards - and good luck! Liam". It was, of course, a joke, the kind of joke shared between colleagues which us...
There is growing disquiet about the nature of the EU referendum debate, with contradictory claims being banded about and accusations that one or another side is resorting to lies, scare tactics or exaggerations. It’s predominantly the Leave campaigners who have a creative attitude to the truth. As some of...
We invited readers to post their comments about local MP's. Although mostly negative there are also positives. With the election over this time next week over to you. Conor Burns Bournemoutn West Paul Nelson Burns - self serving 'snout in trough' debacle over the Navitas wind farm. Christopher Chope Christchurch Andy Dunne I've...

The Fantasy Cabinet Game

Bournemouth University students have designed 'The Fantasy Cabinet Game' Play and then share and please link Dorset Eye to you answers if you share on Facebook.
The case against First Past The Post is well-established. It provides the bare minimum of democracy, is unrepresentative for the majority, and distorts the allocation of power. But how many people are aware of its costs in wasted public expenditure and excess taxes, its maintenance of spent ideologies and...
Initial response from Future Dorset Council Leaders Cllr John Beesley, Cllr Rebecca Knox, Cllr Janet Walton, Cllr Jeff Cant, Cllr Anthony Alford, Cllr Graham Carr-Jones. Council leaders welcome Secretary of State’s support for local government reform in Dorset Statement attributable jointly to: Cllr Rebecca Knox, Dorset County Cllr...
Twenty two teams from councils across the South West came to Taunton this week to compete against each other for the new South West Local Authority Challenge Cup. This exciting challenge was organised by South West Councils to give the teams of six the experience of what it is...
 The Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid MP  Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
 2 Marsham Street

 Dear Mr Javid, 
 Dorset Local Government Reform 

 We write to express our concern at the delay in the announcement of your view of 
the plan to...
On Tuesday 25th September I received a letter from the Chairman of the Conservatives expelling me from the Party.    I believe that this is an extreme and disproportionate measure which illustrates an increasing level of intolerance within the Party particularly on the issue of Brexit.    It is no secret that I disagree...