17.5 C
Thursday, July 4, 2024
....also proving, yet again, her total contempt of us all by NOT answering ANY question directly. Like the rest of her Tory cabal, a disgrace.. The instigator of murder, theft, corruption, child abuse cover ups and the insidious Investigatory Powers Act. The biggest threat to this Nation for decades...
It does not matter which way we voted. It matters that we have a system that understands and respects the nuances of democratic principles. I might not agree with you but I want to be able to hear you. I want to be able to debate with you. I...
Last call for Independent candidates in North and East Dorset as elections loom Independent political group Alliance for Local Living for Dorset (All for Dorset) is holding a series of public meetings this week, March 15 to provide information for potential independent candidates for May's local elections. ALL for Dorset is...
Back In 2016 Dorset Conservatives, including Dorset County Council leader, Robert Gould and North Dorset MP Simon Hoare, faced with the prospect of an extra £7 million cut in funding for 2016/2017, met the Secretary of State and proudly announced additional funds of £4 million in 2016/17 and £3.5...

Another Tory is Born

A 15 second clip of a Tory being born has come in to my possession. Not one to hoard I am sharing with my friends. Although not suitable for young children it will explain a lot to many an adult. Douglas James
Following her Saudi Arabian trade junket, Theresa May, as the Independent put it, 'staunchly defended selling arms to Saudi Arabia despite the country facing accusations of war crimes, insisting close ties "keep people on the streets of Britain safe".' Britain is the second biggest arms dealer in the...
'“The Conservatives have fought a poor campaign. Their manifesto includes policies lifted wholesale from Ed Miliband’s Labour platform of 2015, and a headline strategy on social care that was brave in principle but botched in practice. “Mrs May has been pitched to voters as her party’s strongest asset but...
Roadblock protests will go ahead this weekend, campaign group UK Uncut have confirmed, as the Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, reiterated plans to slash legal aid in his speech to the Conservative Party conference in Manchester.UK Uncut spokesperson Jim Thompson said: “The government’s proposals will destroy legal aid, blocking access...
Conservative MEPs Julie Girling and Anthea McIntyre have congratulated the National Farmers Union for backing the remain campaign in the EU referendum.They said the decision showed "good sense and good leadership".They spoke out after the union, which represents 55,000 farmers across England and Wales, threw its weight behind the...
These are the questions formally submitted by both the public and councillors at tonight’s Full Council meeting for November 2019, and the answers given. Questions submitted for Public Participation Period Question 1: Submitted by Cllr David Harris (Weymouth Town Council) “Will the council please reconsider its policy of charging residents for having...