15.1 C
Monday, July 8, 2024
This week in therapy I said, 'I dream of living in a small cottage where I can walk outside and feel the grass under my bare feet.' For me that is a dream of liberation, of peace and contentment.  As I sat here writing this, I was suddenly...
This is an incredible time to be living in, but what's truly extraordinary is that there is nothing new here, nothing that hasn't been going on for time immemorial. As the Band, Show of Hands, sang of 'Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed', the attitude of the ruling classes against ordinary...

A Call for Change

Socialism is an idea, for some a dream, for others an impractical ideology. It's practicality in Britain however has seemed quite an underground, passive goal. It has been building in seeds of radical thinkers, oppressed class and in some cases, just people that are tired of this undying, rusting...
Long overdue...the Downfall parody of the Labour leadership election... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E6H0BhBrAA&sns=fb John Rees
I’ve spent much of my weekend ploughing through the information I’ve started to receive from the South-West NHS Pay, Terms and Conditions Consortium (from here on SWC or ‘the cartel’) member Trusts. The majority of the Trusts have claimed exemptions and refused to reply; some have not yet answered,...
The Dorset County Council elections on Thursday 2nd May once more reveal distortions arising from the use of the current First Past The Post system. It took an average of 815 votes to elect each Conservative Councillor, 1,936 to elect each Liberal Democrat, 3,015 for each Labour and a massive...
A South West MEP has warned there would be no 'plain sailing' towards a UK exit from the EU, as Prime Minister Theresa May formally triggeres Article 50.  Conservative Julie Girling said many challenges lay ahead, adding it would be 'business as usual' for MEPs as Brexit negotiations get...
David Davis your patronising smugness lead you down a cul-de-sac and waiting for you was a clever person and you could not escape. Pure art at its finest. Stick it on repeat... Douglas James
I admit I cried when I first watched this video and I am crying now as I write this. The whole country should vote for these values. Whether Jeremy or someone else this is what will make this country and any other who want to follow truly great. All...
I am writing to ask for your help promoting our cause I am part of a multi party, multi racial civil action group Prosecute the Parasites in Parliament, seeking a change in government policy.  We are angry at watching MPs claiming thousands of pounds in expenses beyond the need of their needs...