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Tuesday, July 2, 2024
The Labour Party will formally launch its 100 point manifesto for the forthcoming elections to the new Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council on Saturday 23 March. The launch will see the party fielding candidates on 2 May in every one of the 76 wards - something which has not been...
A Labour led Dorset Council will boost the local economy and protect the environment by transforming local democracy and bringing public services back under local democratic control, says Dorset Labour in their local government manifesto which was launched today (15 March). The manifesto, released to coincide with the start of...
Last call for Independent candidates in North and East Dorset as elections loom Independent political group Alliance for Local Living for Dorset (All for Dorset) is holding a series of public meetings this week, March 15 to provide information for potential independent candidates for May's local elections. ALL for Dorset is...
Christchurch Borough Council is hosting an information session for anyone interested in serving as a Parish Councillor in Christchurch. The event will take place on Tuesday 26 February between 5 – 7pm at the Civic Offices on Bridge Street in Christchurch. There will be a formal presentation at 6pm. From April...
Independents in Dorset are calling on people to seize the moment to improve the system of local government in the county and make it better for every resident. As the county moves from separate district councils to a combined unitary authority, ALL for Dorset is urging prospective candidates to stand...
Poole Labour has selected its first group of candidates to contest May’s important elections to the new super council on 2 May. Each of them have lived in the area for many years and between them have a wealth of skills and experience in different fields from housing and...
It was a case of standing room only at Dorchester’s Colliton Club as more than 60 people flocked to the launch of the county’s new independent political movement ALL for Dorset. They heard author and pioneering campaigner Peter MacFadyen talk about how independent councillors had taken control of Frome town...
The gap between what Brexit promised and what the Government can deliver is finally obvious to everyone. Westminster is in chaos. Hard line Brexiters have rejected Brexit, they promise to renegotiate without having secured any agreement from Brussels to bring to the table. They don't care, they want a...
Growing interest in Dorset’s fledgling grass-roots political independent movement, All for Dorset, has prompted the group to stage its first public meeting later this month. The event will take place at the Colliton Club, Dorchester on Thursday 24 January, opening at 7.30pm, and will enable people to find out more...
I sometimes wonder how deluded die-hard Tory voters are. I had a debate the other week with a Tory on the Heart of British politics page who insisted the Attlee government increased and spread poverty and Thatcher government reduced it. Despite all the information and evidence he just wouldn't...