17.5 C
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Today, 25 June, the Climate Change Committee are releasing a report that states the Government is failing to meet its 2050 zero carbon target, a target that is already dangerously too late. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008.  Its...
Growing interest in Dorset’s fledgling grass-roots political independent movement, All for Dorset, has prompted the group to stage its first public meeting later this month. The event will take place at the Colliton Club, Dorchester on Thursday 24 January, opening at 7.30pm, and will enable people to find out more...

Dear Prime Minister

Dear Dave, It’s rare for me to write to a politician, rarer still for that politician to be the Prime minister. Today, however, has seen a new low in your disgusting government’s ongoing offensive against the nation’s working class. So, rather than content myself by only venting my spleen...
We’re not fascists, are we, dear?Bring that bottle over here.Now. Where was I? Enoch Powell?Sod this irritable bowel!Do you play goff? Come down the club.Just a snifter, lovely grub……What, no blazer? Borrow mine.Chin chin. Maggie, ‘79!Now. Where was I? Nigel Farage?Dear! More bottles in the garage....Really don’t want to...
1) Representative Democracy is not really democracy A system whereby small numbers of people, in our case MPs, govern many millions of others, is not  democratic. The extent of our self-government is a mere cross in a box every four or five years. Sometimes as many people do not...
I sometimes wonder how deluded die-hard Tory voters are. I had a debate the other week with a Tory on the Heart of British politics page who insisted the Attlee government increased and spread poverty and Thatcher government reduced it. Despite all the information and evidence he just wouldn't...
Dear All With reference to The Guardian on-line (https://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/15/dwp-law-change-jobseekers-poundland). I wish to it be understood that should the Labour Party support the government in the pursuit of emergency legislation to deny repayments that the English Courts have ruled were illegally with-held, then I will resign from the Labour Party....
Well, what a busy few months it has been for me and, to be honest for once, it's getting harder and harder. I have been your MP for many years, and some of you idiot peasants still have some faith in me, enough to put me back in my cosy...
27 December 2015 Dear Mr Corbyn Voting Reform – the Constituency Link I write as a Green Party member who nevertheless hopes you can unite the Labour Party and cope with the right wing media. I am glad that you are thinking about voting reform. The Tories must be...
The world is being driven off a cliff, politically and economically, it is astonishing and bewildering how far off the beaten track of common sense and reason we are being driven by people without a shred of humanity and who are corrupt to the bone. But what is also astonishing,...