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Thursday, September 19, 2024
As the Labour right try to re-write history to cover for their genuinely astonishing incompetence, here is the *real* history. So, worst case scenario Starmer & Evans have blown £16 million since taking charge. Best case £13 million. Oh, and a reminder that huge amounts of pay outs from...

Martin, A Quick Word

Martin, About the Corbyn piece. One or two things need a tweak, maybe. First off, while your memories of life ‘close to the epicentre of the Corbyn milieu’* are thrillingly fearless, it’s a bit of a worry that you have nothing to say about Corbyn as a person, rather...
In just over two minutes we have it. A corrupt unaccountable government and a useless opposition. What are we prepared to do about it? Read more: https://dorseteye.com/greensill-capital-scandal-biggest-in-a-generation/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
For anyone who voted for Starmer, who still clings to the belief that everyone telling them he would switch to the right, abandon members based on members who knew him, politicians who knew him, filmmakers and lecturers who knew him, experts who knew him.... if the stitch-up job of the...
The message sent to journalists could not be clearer or more chilling: what happened to Assange could happen to you too It is no accident that Julian Assange, the digital transparency activist and journalist who founded Wikileaks to help whistleblowers tell us what western governments are really up to in the...
I want to issue an apology to so many people who rely on The Labour Party to represent you. I am absolutely, genuinely embarrassed by the way the Party is currently being led. I want to show total solidarity with the many people who have been in contact, with...
Unfortunately, my speech at this Saturday's event in Weymouth wasn't caught on film, so I thought I'd share it. I do this partly to bring awareness of how the wonderful footballer Dalian Atkinson really died. Welcome everyone to this Stand Up To Racism Dorset event and well done for braving...
Just one day after her nonagenarian husband could have killed 2 women and a baby with his dangerous driving, our nonagenarian Queen takes to the road in a vehicle weighing several tons and flouting the law by not wearing a seatbelt. They’d be hard pressed to show more contempt. Nicola...
With regards to the recent news that all customers of energy companies in England will be given a £200 loan from the Government to be repaid over following years. I would like to state that I do not want this loan. I have not asked for this loan and I...
Let us remember this sad sociopath before the conflict in Ukraine: https://dorseteye.com/rees-mogg-takes-the-p-out-of-british-public/ And now listen to his insincere weaseling yesterday: https://twitter.com/ChrisK76852117/status/1511030647686680583?s=20&t=1mHDKWL-a9SDScqa5MVPcg And now remember just one of the despicable things he does in the name of 'God': https://dorseteye.com/mr-and-mrs-rees-mogg-wildlife-terrorists/ Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/