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Monday, September 16, 2024
Partygate in Downing Street offers a unique glimpse into the inner workings of Downing Street. The Sue Gray report opened a Pandora’s Jar, revealing the unprofessional and unsavoury culture in Downing Street, a culture that would not be tolerated in any other serious, high profile workplace in Britain.  It is...
We have to hand it to the government. Their level of incompetency is now beyond measurement and yet they are still ahead of Keir Starmer in the polls. What that tells us is of course another issue entirely. This is the reality and yet it reads like a joke with numerous...
Prime Minister, I see in this morning's news that your government has managed to notch up another First.  For the first time in its 133-year history, the Royal College of Midwives has decided to take strike action in protest at your government's appalling treatment of their right to a...
This week we have 20,000 Coronavirus deaths. Our government is disorganised and in disarray. Look at Germany, it actually has more confirmed Coronavirus cases than us, but a little over a quarter of the deaths! Why? Germany has an experienced leader, with a background in science. We have a very inexperienced...

Why are the posties striking?

I joined Royal Mail in 2003. My plan was to do the job for a year, get my fitness up then apply to be a fireman. A year went by and I decided to stay as I enjoyed the job. It wasn't great pay, it still isn't but I...
Son: "Dad, I think I'm old enough now. Is there a Santa Claus?." Dad: "Ok, I agree that your old enough. But before I tell you, I have a question for you. You see, the “truth” is a dangerous gift. Once you know something, you can't unknow it. Once you...

I Hate Britain

‘Timid Gardener Dogged by Years of Mental Turmoil.’ The Daily Mail’s description of the man accused of Jo Cox’s assassination. Compare and contrast with their description of the man who, at that time, had yet to be convicted for the murder of Lee Rigby: ‘Blood on His Hands, Hatred...
Israel is not suddenly a more racist state. It is simply growing more confident about admitting its racism to the world The most disturbing outcome of Israel’s general election this week was not the fact that an openly fascist party won the third-biggest tally of seats, or that it is about to become...
Something truly symbolic happened last night, and you may have missed it. Question Time featured The S*n 'Journalist' Rod Little, the SNP/Scottish Independence supporting Val McDermid, former Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, Labour's Emily Thornberry and the Conservative's Nadhim Zahawi. That, of course, in itself is not significant. What...
I contacted Private Eye about corruption at Labour HQ twice in 2019 but they were not interested. Let's hope they have finally realised that the corruption was real and that they missed out on a scoop. The full sordid account of how the nation was conned in six parts. https://dorseteye.com/leaked-labour-report-part-6-how-the-snides-got-their-positions-in-the-party/ Damien Stone If...