18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024

Paper Roses

Prime MInister, "...our welfare reforms go beyond that alone: they are about giving new purpose, new opportunity, new hope – and yes, new responsibility to people who had previously been written off with no chance."  Said you in your article for the Daily Torygraph. •  Yes, you've given...
Prime Minister, https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/ive-paid-premiums-28-years-162013282.html So Ocaso, the Spanish insurance company with a UK division (https://www.ocaso.co.uk/) are wriggling like worms on a hook to get out of paying at least one insurance claim arising from flood damage. I suppose we should be used, by now, to insurance scams.  After all, the...

Total Recall

Prime Minister, So you've blocked the vote on yet another of your pre-election promises, which would have permitted a petition of 10% or more of errant MPs' constituents to force a by-election.  Let's see if we can't figure out why that might be: •  Your Work and Pensions Secretary...
Prime Minister, Your now thoroughly Broken Britain has a new vice, it seems - one of exploiting the misery of people who, regardless of taxes that they've paid, are still compelled to spend their drastically reduced disposable income on items that part of those taxes are meant to cover. ...
Finding out if we're breaking the law by clearing the rubbish from Weymouth Beach, Portland Beach and from Pirates Cove Beach. Please listen and comment/get in touch... Dr Darren Doolittle
So Prime Minister, Another case of a government MP who doesn't have a sufficiently robust pair to allow him to face the criticism being rightfully levelled by his Christchurch constituents, eh?  And a Tory-controlled council looking to profit from the misery of people left without adequate defenses against flooding by...
The links, below, tell quite a story – one of constantly inadequate preparation to meet extreme weather conditions, as well as one that drives urban expansion into the most dangerous areas associated with flood risk. It's been known since at least 1928 (earliest video in the sequence under Link...
I see from some of the articles posted in here the lunatic lefties are still extant.  I refer particularly to the Carbon fetishists who still, after all the empirical evidence, insist that 'carbon' is our greatest danger to life on the planet ! Total eyewash to put it mildly....
Prime Minister, Afraid indeed. Afraid to address the Scots on their own soil; Afraid to visit the disaster zone that Burrowbridge, Muchelney and other Somerset villages have become; Afraid to tell the truth about DEFRA spending on flood defences; Afraid to make a statement as to why the government...
Prime Minister, I would like you to see the message below, sent to me this morning by Public Health England in response to my email raising concerns about possible Plague outbreaks in the wake of the flooding of various parts of the countryside. This reply flies in the face...