The world is full of poison.

It’s in the air we breathe

It’s in the food we eat

In the water we drink

The medicines we take

The clothes we wear

The products we use

It’s printed in papers

Broadcast in news

Hidden in books

Made into movies

Recorded as songs

Written in speeches

Disguised as policies

Protected by politicians

Brandished by bankers

Infecting police

Achieving injustice

Thriving in torture

Breeding in war

Making families refugees

But by far the worst kind of poison lives in the hearts of the ignorant and selfish who choose not to see the truth or show compassion – because by doing so they keep it in the world.

I’m shocked to discover I know some.

Let the blame for the refugee crisis fall squarely where it belongs – with the arrogant, corrupt, self-serving governments and corporations of the world – who made the refugees’ homes and countries unfit to live in.

God help us if we don’t.

Sean Hunter

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