18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
Prime Minister, Policemen caught on camera framing a pedestrian It's pointless expecting anything remotely approaching a sensible response from the Home Office about the utterly appalling police behaviour iun the above links, so I'll include them as a CC addressee only.  All that woud come back - if they...

Who’s your leader anyway?

Prime Minister, You need to get a grip, old son.  The public hears you saying that pensioners' sideline benefits, such as free bus passes and TV licences will not be cut, and then we are told that Psychosmiffy is saying that they will.  In view of what we've seen...
I am always interested to see individual people with hugely diverse talents and fields of expertise. Take Brian May for example, a extremely talented musician, badger protector and also with a PhD Honours in Astronomy and the Cosmos. Now we have our Police and Crime Commisioner with implied expertise in Cybercrime...

Political Embarrassment

I haven't written to you in ages!  How are you doing?  Caught anything terminal yet?  We're all out here praying, you know, so don't let us down will you?  Cancer, AIDS, bubonic plague - anything life-ending will do... So, your petulant pansies there at the Department of Witless Pillocks have...
Prime Minister. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/video/warning-over-floodwater-bacteria-173513926.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/weather-rain-high-tides-39-risk-life-39-174319209.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/uk-says-close-placing-order-f-35-jets-175615844--sector.html The above three links illustrate more clearly than anything I have yet seen, how this government is failing to live within its means.  Sure, we've had all the reports of Osborne's horrendous borrowing levels, even after he managed single-handedly to have our international credit...
Prime Minister, There comes a time in every liar's life when his pigeons must come home to crap on the laundry hanging on the line.  Get your tin hat. Way back in the mists of the misery that you and your government have caused to people across the UK...

We’ve never had it so bad

Prime Minister. ... at least, not within living memory, only in history now is the plight of the poor recorded in any way objectively. Yet AGAIN, your government has been caught in an outright LIE to the nation when your spokescreature said "...most British workers have seen their take-home pay...
Prime Minister, I see that Owen "Golden Rice" Paterson has finally deigned to visit Somerset, although not the flooded village that's been at the centre of news reports just lately.  Obviously he values his own skin more than he values first-hand knowledge, and so the village hairdresser, who probably...

So now we will face this

Prime Minister, One thing that all but a few people in this country realise is that when a scheme is mooted by a government, it usually becomes reality within the space of five years.  So, it is reasonable to expect, then, that people exercising their democratic right to protest...

Breach of Contract

Prime Minister, No links today, although I could have included one about Labour's intention to reverse your tax cuts for the rich.  No point; it happens every time, and then you lot reverse it again with YAAAWWWWNNNN-inducing regularity.  It speaks to people only in the manner of reinforcing their certainty...