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Sunday, May 12, 2024
Home Dorset South Alternatives For You - Dorset South

Alternatives For You - Dorset South

We all know that the the world is changing rapidly. Increasing digitilisation, globalisation and automation, whether you like it or not, are going to completely alter the concepts of work and career. Most people agree that finding something you love doing and then doing it so well that it...
So after 4 months of work The Bournemouth Scene, ' Off the Beaten Track, Alternative guide and map' is on the shelves in the Bournemouth and surrounding areas. 180 independent local Bussiness are listed on this map, giving a flavour of what else Bournemouth has to offer. Bournemouth really...
Dear All,  Whilst wary of overloading you all with news on The Verne, this is just a quick update on the situation following Tamsin's outline a few weeks ago. Firstly, as I am sure you are all aware, The Verne started taking immigration detainees from the 24th March, albeit in...

Act Of Resistance – Part 1

So much is wrong with our world. Everyone knows it. But it’s almost impossible to make a difference. Everyone knows that. And yet… we can make a difference. It’s a numbers games. We just need to add ourselves to the numbers. Here’s how. #1 acts of resistance #1 join a union it’s practical, it’s sensible, it gives you a...
From the council meeting of 28th November held at Weymouth Pavilion. https://www.facebook.com/Zzippster/videos/10158227629327468/UzpfSTYzNzkzNzQ2NzpWSzo5Njc5NzAxOTAwNjkxNzU/?multi_permalinks=967970190069175%2C967954380070756%2C967946243404903%2C967938716738989&notif_id=1543409130385502&notif_t=group_activity

The Benevolent Revolutionary

The revolutionary has to have benevolence. When the revolutionary speaks he/she chooses words with the spirit of benevolence. When interacting with an individual he/she has benefit uppermost in mind, or rather a balanced sum of benefits that may befall the individual and the parties influenced by the individual now...
A Bad Press Awards? Sounds like something with no end. Something that needs lots of space to fit in to. Something even the Milky Way would get stretch marks trying to accommodate. From The Guardian and its faux attempts at caring about the vulnerable whilst fisting the middle class...
So we are still Busy Putting Maps into circulation and looking into new projects.. We are looking at Doing a Green Guide for the town if you have any interest or maybe run a sustainable business or project get in touch with us on facebook.. The Bournemouth Scene... many...

Antiviral software for the mind

The attack You are under attack. We all are. This isn’t conspiracy theory. It’s plain common sense. Why else would political parties and corporations spend tens of millions on political and commercial advertising? Why else would the PR industry exist? It’s an extended brain hack – and the brain they’re hacking into is yours. Universality Advertising, the...
Every person who is confronted by the police, magistrate, judge, prosecution barrister, HMRC, ticket inspector... now has a defence that is guaranteed to fool some for most of the time. It is called the Boris Johnson defence. Here it can be applied to Emma Smart, the environmental activist, refused bale...