18.5 C
Monday, May 20, 2024
From Dorset to Oxfordshire to London to Bristol and beyond the campaign is spreading to change the school curriculum and to dump the colonisation of it by a parochial and de contextualised curriculum. As part of this a student has launched a petition calling for all schools in the UK...
First, please read the following: Leonard Farruku, a young Albanian discovered deceased aboard the Bibby Stockholm ship in Great Britain, is reported to have taken his life approximately 12 hours before being found, according to his roommate interviewed by The Guardian. The asylum seeker was found in a shower cubicle on...
Why should you report Hate Crime? By reporting hate crime when it happens to you, this may help prevent it happening to someone else. It also helps to understand the extent and impact of discrimination or prejudice. You can report it as a victim, a witness or on behalf of someone else. Hate crime...
Racial injustice is "baked into our curriculum", a teacher who complained about a history textbook has said. Hannah Wilkinson, who mentors A-level pupils in Durham, objected to a question about Native Americans, which asked if their "treatment" had been "exaggerated". She stated it was "problematic" because the "starting premise" was an...
One year ago today, a TV show was broadcast that caused huge concern among Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people in Britain and beyond. Channel 4's “The Truth About Traveller Crime” has been accused of using “unsubstantiated data” and “divisive and racist rhetoric… to malign an entire community” – at a time when...
Cllr David Walsh, Portfolio Holder for planning, said “It has come to my attention that leaflets are circulating around Swanage regarding The Dorset Council Local Plan’s proposal for a Gypsy and Traveller site on Land at Washpond Lane and Ulwell Road. While we welcome residents raising awareness of the Dorset Local...
BCP councillors voted unanimously on 8th December to pass an anti-Islamophobia resolution. The Council has now adopted a widely recognised definition of Islamophobia as rooted in racism, committed to regular race equality training for all councillors and officers, and reaffirmed its active commitment to eliminate discrimination by developing positive relationships...
Neo-Nazi organisation Patriotic Alternative plans a demonstration in Portland on Saturday 9 September. It intends to bring the politics of hatred and division to Dorset. Anti-racists say these modern-day fascists are unwelcome and will oppose their presence. Patriotic Alternative (PA) includes former members of the proscribed Nazi terror group National...
Wow no one was expecting this. Many would have been happy with a hundred but to get this many and so many from the younger generation gives us real hope that the future is safer in their hands. We walked the 1.5 miles prepared with our face masks... to the...
welcome to dorset
The use of Stop and Search by police against Black people in Dorset has reached unprecedented levels. Black people are now 31 times more likely than white people to be stopped under these powers. Shockingly, this is the highest rate of Stop and Search of an ethnic group of any police...