18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
This is my story. I have 2 small dogs and took them to the Nothe one morning. I parked near the small cafe and walked up the path adjacent to the Harbour. When I neared the top this U-drive van raced towards me and a man shouted across....
Following a bitter and acrimonious debate at Dorset County Council it has been decided that the leafy middle class Tory voting ward of Preston, in Weymouth, will house those people recovering from drug and alcohol issues. The original intention to place it in a more central location close to...
If you go to the Facebook group W&PBC Compliments, Complaints and Observations you too can have your say and become more involved in influencing local decision making. One of the current topics being discussed concerns littering in Weymouth & Portland. It was started by a post from Simon Averyozog: 'I...
Here we are then. Just over a week since the official goodbye to the coastguard helicopter on Portland. Now it has to fly from Lee on Solent to any emergency along the Dorset coastline. It can refuel at Portland but it is based in Hampshire. Ironically on the day the...
And so it begins. With the recent announcement of more homes on Portland the usual comments emerge. Labour supporters blame the Tories. Tory supporters blame Labour. Other people say we need more housing others say we don't. But let's look at the facts shall we. 1. In the past...
I have been asking question of our local candidates so far I've received two answers to two different questions. I asked all the local candidates for South Dorset about the changes proposed by the government about animal rights and Labour Party candidate Tashi Warr was the only one to...
Elections aren't just about who's going to be Prime Minister. They're mostly about deciding who's going to represent YOU and make decisions for you in parliament.  I think it's about time we started asking questions about what exactly Richard Drax has been doing over the past 7 years. Weymouth...
For almost thirty years I have been without a bladder, (urostomy) and like those with either a colostomy or ileostomy, access to public toilets are a MUST, it's not a case of "hang on a minute". Plus, an added issue for me is that I must drink frequently due...
Some time back my pet Ukipper on Facebook and I had a disagreement that would sadly end our connection. She was a fairly “random add” initially as I had seen her discuss a serious housing issue with her very prominent Lib Dem MP on Facebook and I smelt a...
I read your article titled Weymouth Old Town Car Park – take care at night… I recently returned from a visit to the UK where I hired a car to drive my wife and I through our first experience of the UK. Upon visiting Weymouth on our first day...