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Thursday, September 19, 2024
Headlines in The Dorset Echo today, (Thursday 17th.November), seem to suggest that that the base has been saved, however, not as a Coastguard Search and Rescue base, but as a private company that will inherit the facility for it's own ends. Here is my take on the whole episode:...

Oh, not MORE bleeding sport!

In response to LEISURE CENTRE NEEDS YOUR VOTE Sorry about this-but the article about some sports venture needing our vote really grinds my gears. I`m just sick of the time and attention given over to these vainglorious obsessives and the sheeple that follow it all.  Looked at in the right...

Who`s the Wagman?

Come on then-admit it. What wind-up artist up there in North Dorset chose to nominate IPACA on Portland as a Best  New Big Business 2016? My  "bird on the wire" out in BBC land, Echoplex tells me that a certain ILR here in the area are considering the claim...
To my lovelies out there in Dorset. The Guardian asked my views before I dropped my curtsey at Aldridge House, so this is what I told their correspondent...funnily enough, the old queen didn`t see fit to quote me...so here`s what I said. Bloody awful place. There are those who...

Uselessness Invites Disaster

Managed to hit upon the Queen both coming and going yesterday. I myself have no beef with the old bird. She`s been around before the rest of us. and with all her blood transfusions, oxygen tents and royal jelly-doubt that they can find any virgins to get the blood...
A week or so ago I shared a blog with the table above on the Dorset Eye facebook page. I expected some trolling from right wingers but it utterly surprised me as to where the principle trolling would come from. Let’s look at the table and then look at...
The moment has arrived when an ex boy band member now actor (Harry Styles) and Tom Hardy (much more deserving of the label) descend upon Weymouth and Swanage to make another remake of another film that will only remotely focus upon the facts of an historical event that happened...
Councillor Drake’s rant in last month's Echo that the assaults that took place in Weymouth was down to ‘late night drinking’ is wrong. Being violent to women is a choice, sober or drunk. It is not down to late night licensing in Weymouth. Possibly after a couple of drinks...
When the referendum result came out on Friday you would have thought that the bad blood between the two camps would have cooled; and steady, competent leadership from Westminster would have steered us through our national crisis, out of Europe and into the unknown. Instead, the wet blanket in...
On Thursday we go to the polls to decide if Britain is to be in 'In' or 'Out' of the European Union. This is a Referendum which will decide our collective futures for a very long time to come. Some on the left have decided to vote out on the...