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Saturday, May 11, 2024
Dear Dr Letwin, I was a remain voter last week but recognise that we have to now move on and make the best of ,what is on the face of it, an awful situation. As you put together your team I wonder whether you have thought of including those...
It’s exhausting, sitting despondent and gloomy, in my pyjamas, staring at Facebook and Twitter, trying to understand what exactly it is people mean when they say they have got their country back. Most of what I see comes in the form of evidence of outrage as nearly everyone I...
In this mild rant I will show you how not all healthcare is free at the point of demand in the modern NHS. If you don’t fulfil the eligibility criteria for a potentially lifesaving vaccine then you must pay for it. According to the Meningitis Research Foundation, “In the...
Posh people’s supermarket Waitrose is about to bring mayhem to the residents of Poundbury, people who often aspire to live here precisely because of the supermarket and the social cachet it brings.  The Little Waitrose has closed for a week, no doubt causing many of the chattering classes psychological...
I am a left wing Eurosceptic. Tories who believe Thatcherism was just an hors d’oeuvre, click away now! My worries about Europe sit roughly under the following four headings: -      Lack of democratic accountability and the European Commission having primacy over the European Parliament. This has allowed terrible things...
Law Enforcers Against Prohibition (LEAP UK) are launching their campaign for a sensible approach to drug policy at the House of Commons on the 29th February. One of the attendees will be a retired magistrate who lives in Dorchester – he will discuss his own views for Dorset Eye...
Can Oliver Letwin please explain why he believed that black communities were undeserving of government support? Can he explain why white people should be left to wallow in poverty and despair? Can he explain why he did not take in to consideration the conclusions of The Scarman Report published...
Europe is losing its way. It is no longer a bastion against tyranny but has become a post democratic technocracy that has been overrun by tyrants at the very top. As a card holding lefty, the latest news from Europe is telling me one thing – we need to...
Dorchester & District Labour Party are supporting the Public First Group's call to scrap Cabinet leadership at West Dorset District Council. The Labour Party will be ensuring that disaffected West Dorset residents will be able to sign a copy of the Public First Group petition at their Wednesday stall,...
Today, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were found guilty of brutally murdering British soldier Lee Rigby, an act they claimed was revenge for the killing of Muslims by British and American forces around the world. Now, we must unite to ensure that their mission is not used to justify more...