16.5 C
Saturday, May 11, 2024
The point of the media is to inform. To bring knowledge (facts...) to the party. However, in a culture of competition the essence of informing becomes secondary to clickbait. The need for attracting people to the site... to pump up advertising revenue is numero uno on the priority list....

The meaning of life

You might think that 67 is a bit late to discover that pretty much all I've thought about society and the way it's organised is not only wrong, but terribly wrong, in fact, life threateningly wrong.   It is likely that without the Tories I would never have made this discovery,...
Europe is losing its way. It is no longer a bastion against tyranny but has become a post democratic technocracy that has been overrun by tyrants at the very top. As a card holding lefty, the latest news from Europe is telling me one thing – we need to...


The much loved naturalist and TV presenter Sir David Attenborough is not normally renowned for exaggeration. Yet at last December’s UN Conference in Poland he said "If we don't take action, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon." Hold...

Follow the Money

The United Kingdom is roughly 93 thousand square miles of magnificent loveliness. Unfortunately & despite Britain's magnificent loveliness leading #Brexiteers are unwilling to put their money where their mouths are & pay their taxes. Which is of course what #Brexit is all about What, you didn't know? In 2013 David Cameron wrote a...
If this very brief clip is left on repeat in a very short time we will join this lady in her marbles less world. It is the kind of white noise that reflects the madness of millions in this country. To vote for someone who is untrustworthy. Who one CANNOT...
I again caution that in my estimation (and experience) the current campaign of incitement to hatred against Jeremy Corbyn has reached serious perhaps dangerous proportions. No-one in the state apparatus should underestimate the grave consequences should any harm befall him. George Galloway
In this mild rant I will show you how not all healthcare is free at the point of demand in the modern NHS. If you don’t fulfil the eligibility criteria for a potentially lifesaving vaccine then you must pay for it. According to the Meningitis Research Foundation, “In the...
Whatever one may think of the leaders of the main political parties their initial responses at this time (although driven by PR) are to think of those who may be hurt or worse. No matter the level of sincerity, they reach out. Then there is Gerard Batten the leader of...
Turn on the BBC this morning, read the newspapers, it's just relentless. Jeremy Corbyn is known for his activism against racism, he has NEVER been a racist, he has NEVER said anything racist, he had won 2 global peace awards for Christ's sake. The establishment fully backed by the Israeli...