15.1 C
Sunday, September 8, 2024
This seems the clearest explanation of what is happening in the world today. It is one that the everyone should take seriously. US SPHERE OF INFLUENCE 1. The Arab Spring was a democratic uprising. It took the US by surprise. (Sarkozy had to drag Obama into Libya kicking and screaming.) 2. The...

The Sea of the Dead

Upon the waves The Swarm it floated, In coloured boats Much overloaded. To the gates of Hellas From Samarkand, To escape from hell They've fled their lands. And striking out Across the sea, Their prized possessions sat on their knee. Children as young as Two and four, They brought them with them By the score. They risked their future Their blood, Their kin? They're only trying To save...
Must See and Share: No Bullshit, Just The Truth!! Bio – Ex-US Marine who renounced US citizenship at the US Embassy in Vancouver, Canada. on March 1, 2001. Now holding Irish, Hawaiian & Palestinian citizenship; but ultimate allegiance is given to all life and to planet Earth.  A lawfully declared...
An historic betrayal has consumed Greece. Having set aside the mandate of the Greek electorate, the Syriza government has willfully ignored its landslide "No" vote and secretly agreed a raft of repressive, impoverishing measures in return for a "bailout" that means sinister foreign control and a warning to the...
So the Greek parliament has submitted to the Troika ‘fiscal waterboarding’ and agreed to the terms of a new ‘bailout’ program that will tie the Greek economy to the rule of the Euro institutions and the IMF for at least three years.  And will mean that the majority of...
Although IS is certainly an Islamic movement, it is neither typical nor mired in the distant past, because its roots are in Wahhabism, a form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia that developed only in the 18th century. As the so-called Islamic State demolishes nation states set up by the...
Dylan Ratigan loses it during a round table discussion on his own show. Despite having the highest rated non-primetime show in television, MSBNC eventually kicked him off the air, probably for his fiery rants like this. We cannot have the truth getting out can we? Who owns MSBNC by the...
Noam Chomsky, the distinguished American philosopher, political activist, and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has compiled a list of the ten most powerful and effective strategies resorted to by the agendas “hidden” to establish a manipulation of the population through the media. Thanks to...
In transmitting President Richard Nixon's orders for a "massive" bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, "Anything that flies on everything that moves".  As Barack Obama ignites his seventh war against the Muslim world since he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the orchestrated hysteria and lies make...
After California state regulators shut down 11 fracking wastewater injection wells last July over concerns that the wastewater might have contaminated aquifers used for drinking water and farm irrigation, the EPA ordered a report within 60 days. It was revealed yesterday that the California State Water Resources Board has sent a letter to the EPA confirming...