18.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024

The Cove

The Cove begins in Taiji, Japan, where former dolphin trainer Ric O’Barry has come to set things right after a long search for redemption. In the 1960s, it was O'Barry who captured and trained the 5 dolphins who played the title character in the international television sensation Flipper. But his close relationship...
Canadian Journalist Telling the Truth about Allepo Syria and Fake MSM news USA Uncensored Eva Bartlett, a Canadian Journalist blasting all the fake news and lies MSM has been propagating about the news in Syria and Allepo while crushing a MSM reporter. Many western governments and their poodles are spreading lies...
I’d never really thought about where the giant ships that transport our goods around the world end up after they’ve served their purpose. But last week I heard the story of how most of them are sent to be broken up in South Asia. Giant metal carcasses washed up...
Forty-two years ago today, Nov. 13, 1974, union activist and plutonium-plant worker Karen Silkwood was found dead in what police ruled a single-car accident. But the circumstances surrounding her death have kept people guessing to this day. Silkwood was born Feb. 19, 1946, and grew up in Nederland, Texas. After attending college...
No matter what your opinions of Trump or Clinton one thing is a fact. The one with the most votes lost and the one with the least votes won. Electoral college or not this is US democracy for you. The one that they spend hundreds of billions of dollars...
The American media can match our gutter press and then some when it suits. Reality has become a luxury as many people diet on lies. This is especially the case in social media world where clicking like and share reflects the engagement time before scrolling on. Many now openly...
Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the silence. I have covered four presidential campaigns, starting with 1968; I was with Robert Kennedy when he was shot and I saw his assassin, preparing to kill him. It was a baptism in the American...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting to retake the northern Syrian city of Manbij from the Islamic State have apprehended militants fleeing the city disguised as civilians, some even in women’s clothing. “As you see, today we caught 10 of them dressed as women,” said an SDF soldier in...
Americans have been writing to the Queen, asking if she'll take USA back, saving them from Trump/Hillary. A reply:-
To underscore this essential Disney law, narrative resolution in each film defends and reinforces the status quo. Nothing is resolved until the preferred social order is in place. No one lives happily ever after until the chosen one rules... In contrast, villains–who almost exclusively exhibit antisocial behavior and violence–suffer...