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Thursday, September 19, 2024
Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. Wars can happen suddenly in an atmosphere of mistrust and provocation, especially if a minor power, like Australia, abandons its independence for an "alliance" with an unstable superpower. The United States is at a critical moment. Having exported its all-powerful manufacturing...
My friend, the director Jonathan Demme, passed last night. I met Jonathan in the ‘80s when Talking Heads were touring a show that he would eventually film and turn into Stop Making Sense. While touring, I thought the show had turned out well and might hold up as a movie,...
Of course Douglas James is spot on again! Unlike many millions, it is not a good time to leave one's brains on the doorstep. How many more times do these political morons think they can use the MSM to spread blatant lies? TRANSCRIPT The only beneficiaries? The Arms...
Fake soldiers, media barons and lying Presidents are among those lining up to blame Syrian President Assad for a use of chemical weapons and the US's predictable response. However, those who 'haven't left their brains at the door' are not so desperate to escalate the carnage and believe the...
Close to 80 years ago, Picasso painted Guernica in a Paris attic, a haunting work of art that has become a universal howl against the ravages of war, from 1937 Spain to 2017 Syria. The canvas mixes stark images of agonising humans and animals to depict the horror...
A far-right politician has applauded the “strong and thorough” British press – claiming that European journalists are “sissies” by comparison. Dutch MP Geert Wilders complimented British reporters for not shying away from the real issues, while in the same sentence blasting his own country’s press for playing it safe. Speaking to...
By Sila Sazak; Giota Mitta; Dawid Pekalski; Mirjam Lifbroer and Sonia Devji The French elections this April could significantly influence the future of the European Union. On the 23rd of April Marine Le Pen is expected to win the first round of the elections for the far-right, anti-immigration National Front....

The Road to Trump and Brexit

Part 1 A century ago, the UK was dominated by the Liberal and Conservative parties. Both of which were political constructions of the rich designed to benefit the rich. However, following electoral reforms that allowed more British men and, later, women, to get the vote the independent Labour Movement arose...
On the day President Trump is inaugurated, thousands of writers in the United States will express their indignation. "In order for us to heal and move forward...", say Writers Resist, "we wish to bypass direct political discourse, in favour of an inspired focus on the future, and how we,...
Apparently, the US Left has yet to figure out that Washington doesn’t try to overthrow neoliberals. If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were a devotee of the Washington Consensus–as Counterpunch’s Eric Draitser seems to believe–the United States government wouldn’t have been calling since 2003 for Assad to step down. Nor...