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Thursday, September 19, 2024
The US submarine captain says, "We've all got to die one day, some sooner and some later. The trouble always has been that you're never ready, because you don't know when it's coming. Well, now we do know and there's nothing to be done about it."He says he will...
Jeremy Corbyn is on holiday, cycling in Croatia, yet the mainstream media and the usual suspects within the Labour Party are stirring it up and attacking him once again, asking why hasn't he condemned what has happened in Venezuela? Why hasn't Theresa May? She's the Prime Minister.  Why hasn't...
Venezuela.- In the twenty-first century, when communications technology is found in the outer reaches of the globe, large media powers contrive to shield the majority of people from reality, in this case, from what is happening in Venezuela. As an example, large media outlets say that president Nicolás Maduro...
The following information has been available since at least 2011 and the documents proving that the pharmaceutical company Bayer put profits over lives have been around for a lot longer. So why didn't the UK media inform us? 'To read the English-speaking media, you'd never know that Bayer (BAYRY) just paid...
Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted. Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed the Swedish state's collusion with the United States in its crimes of...
Translated by YemenPress: Al-Qaeda admited its role as a US-Saudi proxy and a vital element foot-army of the Saudi war of aggression on Yemen. and its mercenaries. Leader of the so-called "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" Qasem al-Rimi recently unravelled the mystry around the real objectives of the US-Saudi aggression...
Why is there a worldwide revolt against politics as usual? Because corporate globalisation has crushed democratic choice. A wave of revulsion rolls around the world. Approval ratings for incumbent leaders are everywhere collapsing. Symbols, slogans and sensation trump facts and nuanced argument. One in six Americans now believes that military rule...

The return of Mussolini?

President of the USA or egotistical brat? Both, many say but this arrogant shove reflects more than just a billionaire with small genitals. This brings back some very nasty memories of newsreels and their images of brutality.  Filmed at the Nato headquarters in Brussels, the clip shows Trump...
I hope you saw Natural World on BBC2 on Hawaii and the dreadful plastic pollution in this remote part of the Pacific Ocean. Not sure where it all comes from (presumably Pacific Rim nations) but please do what you can to limit release of plastics into the environment to...
On 29th of March Prime Minister Theresa May triggered Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union. This article provides the guidelines for the withdrawal of a member state from the European Union. The British government sent on Wednesday a notification to the European Council, initiating a two...