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Sunday, September 8, 2024
BBC's Andrew Neil says to a Tory Minister - "Surely the real scandal is the outright Tory Party Lies and Disinformation that the Conservative Party is spreading. That's the Real Scandal isn't it. I would put it to you that Tory Party Clearly Lies without any evidence."   Award Winning Independent...
It actually took a lot less time than I was expecting. However, in the end it was easy. In fact the numbering took the most time. https://twitter.com/duncanpoundcake/status/1236246108705341441?s=20   Penny Lane
This is something that you won't see on the BBC. As recently as 2020 there was a motion put before the United Nations. It looked to outlaw the glorification of Nazism. Only two countries on the entire planet voted against this resolution. Guess which two countries? The United States and...
Now if only the BBC could do this. No not with far right media moguls at their helm. The following is what should be on television and in the press news every day of every week. It won't though while we are being fed trash. Rejoice in the corporate mainstream abnormal. Join...
Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan is a British corporate broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality. He began his Fleet Street career in 1988 at The Sun (AKA The Scum). Many are fully aware what a nasty narcissist Morgan is but few get the opportunity to publicly proclaim it. Thankfully, the likes of...
A classic example of how some people's consciousness works to highlight institutional racism better than anything. https://twitter.com/EddieBurfi/status/1461477279989735431?s=20 A brown person asked first and then the thunder clouds when it is pointed out. Do you remember that time in 2019? It sets the scene for the whole horror show that the corporate media and...
This article was originally published on August 11, 2023. Legal experts have assessed the content and are now pursuing legal action against a number of parties. The article that is the catalyst for at least two ongoing documentaries and a series of national and international articles can now return....
In video, Israel Spy says their best man Luke Akehurst is on the inside of UK Labour and Keir Starmer does nothing about it. Let's see the Islamophobia reaction from Labour after Iran spy says their best man is inside Labour Party. Luke Akehurst who has just been voted on...
Newsnight's team look as though they may have joined the real world but we should't hold our breath. They still have a long way to go. This though is a dagger to the heart moment. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1265538315094278146?s=20 Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel:...
The brother of Conservative MP Penny Mordaunt, a member of the Tory government, sent explicit images to a child and arranged to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex. Edward Mordaunt, 44, chatted with who he believed was a 14-year-old girl called Elle on social media app KIK. Elle was in fact...