15.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
A Czech spy! Questions to answer! Why won’t he respond? With the British press crossing the line into full fake news, Paul Mason takes us through the online undergrowth of smear merchants and explains how the alt-right sets the agenda for the MSM. Mason has been a senior editor at...
These include surgery for snoring, where there is said to be only limited clinical evidence of effectiveness and which poses significant risks to patients. The others are: dilatation and curettage for heavy menstrual bleeding, knee arthroscopies for osteoarthritis and injections for non-specific back pain. A further 13 procedures will only to...
The denial of popular sovereignty by mainstream leaders allows demagogues like Trump to pose as democratic champions. He gets almost everything wrong. But last weekend Donald Trump got something right. To the horror of the other leaders of the rich world, he defended democracy against its detractors. Perhaps predictably, he...

Memes of the Week 29/6/18

Send us your favourite memes and we will publish. Via Facebook or Twitter is best. Week 8. AND THEN THESE:

Watch out for ticks

If you happen to get a tick bite while you are out in the fields and woods..., keep a close eye that it doesn't end up like this. If you notice a red ring around the bite area please go and get it checked out with your doctor. This is...
You may have seen West Dorset 4 EU in Dorchester, Bridport and Weymouth (next stop Blandford) running a street survey using their ‘Brexitometer’, with people queuing up to answer some simple Yes/No/Don’t know questions:   Is Brexit going well? Brexit will be good for jobs? Brexit will be good for the NHS? We need...
If you've never experienced the thrill of airplane turbulence, you can often recreate it by driving down a pothole-covered British road (though we wouldn't recommend it). It can be difficult to keep your car in top condition, when trying to avoid potholes big enough to be seen from space. 1...
As we all know by now, on Friday, June 15th, Sir Chris Chope, MP for Christchurch, made a monumental mistake. He did what he's done many, many times in the past and blocked a private member's bill from going through the House of Commons.  He and other belligerent MPs, such...
This week, as Fox's attempts to completely buy out Sky rumble on, the High Court weretold what an inappropriate decision it would be.  Fox own a minority stake in Sky but hope to buy the rest. In February the campaign group Avaaz won the right to challenge the take-over along with...
'The Prime Minister has pledged an extra £20 billion in funding for the NHS in England by 2023/24, saying this will in part be paid for by the ‘Brexit dividend’. There is no guaranteed extra money—or ‘Brexit dividend’—as a result of the UK ceasing its contributions to the EU budget after leaving....