14.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
Building a new economy through a practical programme of workshops, mentoring, and live crowdfunding in Bristol, Oxford, and London. More info on this crowdfunding project right here https://youtu.be/H83i0o_D6YI
From 1st May 2018, Shire Hall is set to be a major new tourism attraction for Dorset. Friendly staff will welcome you in to the museum, where you can purchase tickets that allow you to return many times to complete the 4 interactive tours, pop into the cafe or visit...
The five healthy habits: not smoking having a body mass index between 18.5 and 25 taking at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day having no more than one 150ml glass of wine a day for women, or two for men having a diet rich in items such...
Diane Abbott Kelvin Hopkins John McDonnell Fiona Mactaggart Dennis Skinner Jeremy Corbyn   Answer: They were the only 6 Labour MP's to vote against the Immigration Act of 2014 that has lead to Amber Rudd's resignation and removed a key protection from the statute books for some British residents of the Windrush generation who could face deportation. Tell...
The horrible suffering of those Caribbean Britons affected by the Windrush scandal is but the tip of a horrific iceberg of human suffering in “hostile Britain”. But do not make the mistake of blaming this on the hapless Rudd or the robotic May. They are not the causes but rather the...

Ruth Smeeth – The Facts!

Back in 2005, before Ruth Smeeth went into politics, she became the Director of Public Affairs and Campaigns at the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM). BICOM is a (PRIVATELY FUNDED) UK-based organisation which acts to promote Israel and raise awareness of the Middle East. It publishes materials...
Sainsbury's CEO Mike Coupe caught on film singing "we're in the money" after plans to merge with Asda were confirmed. How many things couldn't we make up? A million it must be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bujlKc0pEi4
The problem of the homeless and the invisibility of those who live on the streets is something that usually comes packaged in the form of numbers, statistics or services offered by Governments, councils or organisations. According to Crisis, it is hard to define the exact number of homeless in...


Okay I’ll raise it. As its got lots of people talking and it seems particularly poignant in my situation. First of all, this is Kate, mother to future heir to the thrown, good hair advocate and generally lovely duchess, wearing red maternity dress probably from Seraphine. This is me also mother,...
Labour's policies are the reason Jeremy Corbyn has had a terrible couple of years with antisemitism allegations. He will continue to have terrible months because of them. Its been an irreconcilable issue for decades and won't be resolved any time soon, certainly not by the pro Palestinian campaigner Jeremy Corbyn. The...