14.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
I’m tired, at the station on the way home and need a coffee. I have a two-hour commute ahead of me and a ‘quick coffee’ will keep me from falling asleep and ending up in Cardiff. My flask is empty so I buy a quick Costa and sit back....
The news cycle moves so quickly nowadays. While the row about Labour and anti-semitism continues to rumble on in the background, it may be time to consider the broader context of that furor. In the 1990s, Blair's Labour opposition developed a media strategy under the influence of Alastair Campbell that was based around...
Another day another establishment figure acting like a clown. No doubt the fascists will rejoice at Mr Corbyn being depicted (on twitter) as sitting with their hero but for those with any sensitivity it will be another clear reason why a new type of politics is desperately required. Thankfully though...
In the last few months of his life, Craig Monk attempted several overdoses and was described as 'vulnerable' by his family. An accident a few years before had resulted in the partial amputation of his leg and he had suffered unnecessary, and anxiety-inducing, obstructions in receiving state assistance - even...
It began with the forces of darkness ridiculing us and finished with the tunnel's light beckoning us. What lay in between was a journey of prevailing positive thought; a conspiring of the elites and a government so incompetent and morally villainous that even the forces of darkness were pleasantly...
Seriously, you need to read the letter from Corb's lawyers to Ben BRADLEY Tory MP. He thought that just by deleting the tweet (as soon as he was told to by Corbyn's lawyers) he had got away with it, but oh no indeedy. Oh no, no, no, no, no....
Capping off a turbulent week for financial markets in which CAPITA shares collapsed by 50% into crisis territory, Northamptonshire Council Council (advised by CAPITA) issued a section 114 notice last Friday, meaning the council cannot set a balanced budget, has exhausted its cash reserves and no new spending decisions can be made until a full...
Capping off a turbulent week for financial markets in which CAPITA shares collapsed by 50% into crisis territory, Northamptonshire Council Council (advised by CAPITA) issued a section 114 notice on Friday, meaning the council cannot set a balanced budget, has exhausted its cash reserves and no new spending decisions can be made until...
No More.... One way or another this psychopathic/sociopathic government and their supporters must do one. Death after death; misery after misery; lie after lie. No more... Douglas James
Whether this man is dead or not is irrelevant. He is on the street and others are dying. Whether it be this man or another or another every tragedy could have been avoided. How bad do things have to get before the cruelty that this country now represents, not...