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Thursday, September 19, 2024
"When Brexit first happened, I think I was in total disbelief. Not only did the Brexit vote win but my entire family, my parents, aunts, cousins voted Leave," explained Gemma Middleton, a 43 year-old filmmaker who moved to Spain seven years ago from Bristol. "Yes, I took it personally,"...
At times it does indeed feel like living in some kind of twisted Twilight Zone. We seem to ridicule and discredit those who want peace, compassion and political not fatal solutions to disputes. All conflict ends in a political solution, afterall. One of the only people speaking ANY sense...
'The US missile attack on a Syrian government air base risks escalating the war in Syria still further. Tuesday’s horrific chemical attack was a war crime which requires urgent independent UN investigation and those responsible must be held to account. But unilateral military action without legal authorisation or independent verification...
Who is at it with who? Who is the dominant one or is it symmetrical? Who provides the post orgasm herb? Who cleans up afterwards? This may just help: Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre was the only individual invited for an official dinner at Number Ten by Prime Minister...
Julie Girling MEP has responded to a clause in the EU 27's draft negotiating position on Brexit, which suggests Spain will have a veto on future trade deals involving Gibraltar. The Conservative MEP for the South West and Gibraltar said: "Nobody should be surprised that the EU is talking...
14 activists from End Deportations, Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants. (LGSMigrants) and Plane Stupid have last night (28 March) prevented the departure of a mass deportation flight from Stansted Airport. 3 activists arrested so far, more arrests expected. This is the first time this kind of...
Dorset Eye considers that democracy is not well served by media bias. It is is even less well served by politicians from a partisan political position then deciding upon the content of a daily newspaper. It then becomes ludicrous when that same politician already has constituents and is a...
A local law firm has welcomed the decision announced by Ministry of Justice to review the methodology used to calculate serious personal injury claims. It has been a period of mixed messages with on one hand the government confirming an increase in the  small claims limit to £5,000 for...

The Dutch Elections

In less than a week time, on the 15th of March, the Dutch will head to the polls to determine the course of the Netherlands for the next four years. In this year’s parliamentary elections the battles lines are drawn between the right wing parties, in particular the far-right...
No, not from the Labour front bench. Not from the Lib Dems or the Greens. But from inside his own party. Phil Hammond is the best the Tories can do. They don't want to appear too psychotic with the right wing rabidity of the anti EU brigade and yet...