15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
07415 063231 | 07572 594128 UK Uncut successfully targets Starbucks over tax avoidance and impact of government cuts on women Over 40 protests across the UK take place at Starbucks shops today, in UK Uncut’s biggest day of action Protesters stage sit-ins and transform Starbucks into refuges, crèches and...
Sainsbury's CEO Mike Coupe caught on film singing "we're in the money" after plans to merge with Asda were confirmed. How many things couldn't we make up? A million it must be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bujlKc0pEi4
The woman who posted this on Facebook said that just before she started filming the staff had whacked him with a mop. They then started harassing her for filming what they were doing. https://twitter.com/imajsaclaimant/status/1099853723671638016
Had we put as much effort into preventing environmental catastrophe as we’ve spent on making excuses for inaction, we would have solved it by now. Everywhere I look, I see people engaged in furious attempts to fend off the moral challenge it presents. The commonest current excuse is this: “I...
Goodness what a ride we have been on in three and a half years. More debt. More austerity. A referendum. A society completely fractured. Lies. Deceit. Pompous charlatans. Incompetent prime ministers... And a very gullible electorate. 'Great Britain'.... Douglas James
The most articulate and accurate analysis we will probably ever hear. Every syllable sums up these people and what they are responsible for. https://twitter.com/Rachael_Swindon/status/1103243941544103937 Douglas James
When the 'Punish a Muslim Day' letters were first identified far right activists claimed that Muslims had created them themselves to garner sympathy. They now seem to have gone very quiet as their FAKE NEWS has been shown up and one of their own has been charged. Ironically their...
This is the state of the British army. Propagandised until they can no longer think for themselves. Unquestioning duty to a right wing hate filled establishment. Now we know Mr Corbyn and those who agree with him are the saving grace for a country containing these walking dead robots. https://twitter.com/LuvFB_HateFifa/status/1113260875153121280 Douglas James
Farm free foods might be the only thing that gets us – and much of the rest of the living world – through this century. It sounds like a miracle, but no great technological leaps were required. In a commercial lab on the outskirts of Helsinki, I watched scientists turning...