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Monday, September 16, 2024
The recent anniversary of the Grenfell tragedy presents a common risk in how such stories are covered. It's natural to mark the date of all sorts of reasons, but it shouldn't allow serious questions to subsequently go on the back burner. Much discussion in recent weeks has centred on...
Whilst a lot has been speculated about UKIP, less has been said about the impact of the Green Party on Labour’s vote - and having attempted to crunch the numbers, according to my calculations, The Green Party cost Labour up to 10 seats - ten to the Tories, one to the...
What we must not forget, ever, is that whichever way people voted in the EU referendum, whatever people want to happen now, there is absolutely one thing we can all unite on: Brexit, like almost everything else these days, is a symptom, not the main cause of the plentiful issues...
Send us your favourite memes and we will publish. Via Facebook or Twitter is best. Week 1:  
'I keep and keep asking, where is the money from 10 years of austerity, on top of taxes regularly paid by people, WHERE IS THE MONEY?!!' And then the Prime Minister of the UK opens his mouth. Why bother? https://twitter.com/Citruscrush/status/1162606475883233281?s=20
Many ridicule those who argue against the red poppy. Many people are locked in to a cycle of violence that they unwittingly celebrate by perpetuating the myth of the red poppy. Abandoned by many this should be the last year of wearing the lie it symbolises. Those who want...
  Earlier this year a 'misconduct in public office' case against Boris Johnson was thrown out of court. Now it turns out that one of the judges who threw the case out actually worked for Boris Johnson (receiving a payment of £35,500 from Boris Johnson's GLA accounts in 2008) and somehow decided...
In preference to Johnson and Trump where it is all about the me, me, me.... This country can save itself or abandon itself in to the hands of billionaire corporations and all the devastation they eternally bring. Over to us. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1189911663018946560?s=20