24.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
On Wednesday afternoon, the Labour Party suffered a major defeat in the High Court by grassroots members who are taking on the Party for alleged breaches of natural justice in the handling of their disciplinary proceedings. Alma Yaniv and Palestinian journalist Sameh Habeeb, who are both currently suspended from the...
Former Speaker John Bercow eloquently describes how Boris Johnson is the worst Prime Minister he has ever known 'by a country mile'. https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1469224544380538889?s=20 And it is vital to remember that even the right wing commentariat are honest occasionally https://dorseteye.com/andrew-neil-the-tory-party-are-full-of-liars-and-are-just-making-things-up/ And please don't leave without some Russell Howard: Get rid before the public find a...
The people of Crawley restore hope against the nazification of the UK by demented right wingers. https://twitter.com/CMUTD1/status/1281935451893444609?s=20 Douglas James Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT...
NEW FILM AIMS TO REVEAL TRUTH ABOUT CORBYN DOWNFALL A documentary which claims to tell the truth about Jeremy Corbyn's time as leader of the Labour Party  leadership is to get its first UK screening in London on Thursday 9 February — the start, it's producers hope, of a grassroots initiative to...
How much of a moron does one have to be to trust an axe murderer to tend to his victims? Jonathan blows away the Tory propaganda yet again. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
A great place to start https://dorseteye.com/right-wing-tv-hosts-told-they-are-a-pair-of-fascists-oakeshott-tice-hedley Richard Tice and Isabel Oakeshott are married. Tice had an adulterous relationship with Oakeshott and left his wife Emma, with whom he had three children. This is important if they ever talk about morality. Isabel Oakesott Oakeshott married Nigel Rosser and has three children. In 2018, she...
There is nothing about Nadine Dorries that is appealing. Personality is a fail. Intelligence is a fail. In fact she is so bad she fits right in with the current government and looks like the perfect fit. Lies, deception arrogance and smugness are all there in buckets. https://twitter.com/MarinaPurkiss/status/1463250060788051973?s=20 The sad thing...
I will be 67 years of age this year, and up until I was 63, I dedicated my entire adult life to fighting for the Labour Party.  I’ve held virtually every elected position in the party from branch secretary to shadow minister.  I gave nearly 44 years of my life...
Whichever way one voted should not prevent an intestine aching response having watched this. Get near a loo. Beautiful. Martin Daubney physically unable to form the words required to break it to the viewers of GB News that their own poll shows that 55% would now vote against Brexit ????????...
If only the corporate media had been so anti fake news and libel back in 2019. https://twitter.com/jed_shed/status/1481267773217067013?s=20 https://dorseteye.com/labour-disclosure-shows-antisemitism-was-weaponised-against-corbyn/ Penny Lane If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/