18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
If only the corporate media had been so anti fake news and libel back in 2019. https://twitter.com/jed_shed/status/1481267773217067013?s=20 https://dorseteye.com/labour-disclosure-shows-antisemitism-was-weaponised-against-corbyn/ Penny Lane If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
As Bob Marley pointed out Fiona Bruce, this woman is still waiting in vain. https://twitter.com/Femi_Sorry/status/1499552163336437760?s=20&t=3fZEL2Xt4szSjMw7uEb1-Q Detail: https://dorseteye.com/please-look-closer-to-home/ Another in an increasingly long line of examples of... Douglas James If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2 a month https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Sky News puppet Adam Boulton doing what he does best. Distorting and obfuscating reality. https://www.facebook.com/votelovenothate/videos/950203445316899/UzpfSTEwMDAwMDE4OTY3NTE4NjpWSzoxMTg4NDM0MTI4MDIyNzc5/
The first thing that needs saying is that people actually voted for this man. A man who sounds like if he went to school, he sat at the back, throwing dirty tissues at those who wanted to learn. A man who brings nothing but shame on those who have...
During Jeremy Corbyn's tenure as Labour leader, allegations of antisemitism were weaponised to undermine his leadership. Alongside political opponents, media outlets, and internal Labour factions, several high-profile celebrities played a critical role in shaping public perception of Corbyn as someone complicit in or indifferent to antisemitism. Among the most...
Language is important. Language has power: financial power, political power and cultural power. Therefore, those who have power have more influence. Here Andrew Pierce displays this in an extremely negative way by using the racist trope 'black community' working on the assumption that just because of the colour of a...
Gary Glitter, real name Paul Gadd, was caught on tape at a halfway house for inmates asking how to browse the web on a smartphone without being seen. In 2015, Glitter—real name Paul Gadd—was sentenced to 16 years in prison for sexual offences against a minor under the age of...
Don't take our word for it. We spoke to the experts, to find out why The Grand National is a uniquely cruel event we should all be ashamed to support. David Lloyd reports. We were courted by Channel 4 the other week. They were in town to film their TV...
The Financial Times has revealed that the government figures for death by Covid-19 in the UK are much less than the actual number of deaths. With the government data not even at 20000 as of yet the Financial Times data reveals it has already gone past double that figure. Even...
Andrew Marr has announced he is leaving the BBC after 21 years. The veteran journalist and broadcaster, who has presented the BBC's flagship political programme the Andrew Marr Show on Sunday mornings for the past 16 years, said he will be moving to Global "to write and present political and cultural shows...