15.2 C
Sunday, May 19, 2024
'I nearly spit my beer out': Pro empire Tory Brexit anthems given a complete work over
The genius of the UK public to reinvent in to a realistic shape knows no bounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afb6iELrSeg&t=2s Douglas James
As always he was looking for something to beat the NHS with to show how badly run and loss making things were. While Hunt was checking the books, he turned to the executive of the hospital and said “I notice you buy a lot of bandages. What do you do...
What turns people in to Nazis is complicated. A cake can become inedible just by leaving out one ingredient. A person can be an absolute c*** by experiencing a single event after conception that turns them in to vile monstrous creatures that f*** it up for everyone else. Imagine now...
Trying to find out how much the BBC licence payer contributes towards management roles is proving very elusive. However, given the absolute shambles of the current re-organisation this is possibly the most accurate information currently on offer. â›” BREAKING NEWS: BBC announces new local strategy.Please retweet this latest #BrokenNews Report. pic.twitter.com/IhTs1sMsJR—...
'I'll do anything to pacify the walking dead. Even dress up as a police officer and pretend I am their friend...'. https://twitter.com/DavidHeadViews/status/1467790801094725637?s=20 https://twitter.com/PaulTempleman6/status/1467800092128251910?s=20 And to add spice to our rotten fruit political system it looks like we have found the person who is going to investigate this https://dorseteye.com/will-you-be-partying-like-boris-johnson-this-christmas/ With one SNP MP Stewart McDonald...
Finally the CCTV with audio has been released. And Jonathan Pie's analysis: https://dorseteye.com/jonathan-pie-on-matthew-hancock-and-he-does-not-hold-back/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The Labour right promised us an 'Opposition' not a Tory Maitre D
If you fail at one thing get straight back up and do something else and Keir Starmer is following that mantra. Becoming a centrist stooge is not playing well with the UK public: https://dorseteye.com/the-people-are-speaking-starmer-is-the-problem/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Seems backwards racist attitudes are prevalent even in gentle Facebook groups. The comments were embarrassing and nostalgic for the good old racist days when the BNP were on the rise and the Black and White Minstrels show was on TV. I haven’t hidden names as they posted in a public...
This is brilliant and includes a laugh out loud moment. Parts 1 to 3. James Finlayson PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Good on Lesley Judd for ensuring that even in 1975 the 1960's free love lived on. Inviting Peter Purves and John Noakes to watch certainly went against the attempts to clampdown on the permissiveness of the hippy generation and should be roundly applauded. Actually back in the mid 1970's...