‘AKA anything you like’ has decided to move to Spain as he no longer feels safe in the UK. The man who has dedicated his youth and early adulthood to terrorising people because of their religion, culture and general look has now sought to run away from the threat of violence himself. This is obviously ironic given that many of the people he attacked either verbally or physically were themselves often running away from violence. The only difference being that the violence they sought to avoid was genuine and not a clarion call to semi illiterate morons.

The issue with those who amplify this far right white noise is their complete hypocrisy and lack of sincerity. They feed off those who seek the easiest option. Emotional hate. They feed off donations from these unscrupulous figures and others in the shadows pulling the strings. They become mercenaries.

Let us begin with the hypocrisy. If one is a working class everyday Muslim then ‘AKA anything you like’ and his mates will be all over you like wasps on sugar but if you are wealthy and influential like a certain Maajid Nawaz a different ambiance takes place.

Maajid Usman Nawaz with AKA anything you like

The working class muslim finds himself on camera in other ways:

Then there is his Brexit position. Shut down the borders and kick out the foreigners especially the Muslim ones. The Spanish have the same philosophy regarding white patsy racist f***wits.

The irony is of course more obvious than the sun on a cloudless day.

All in all not a good day for those who worship the charlatan and still repeat Janet and John books every night to their elderly parents whilst sipping on a special brew.

James Finlayson

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