Glad to see that the spirit of ‘Plucky little Brexit-land’ is not dead. Such cheap nationalism is always a joy – especially when Mrs Fatty Patel is telling the sheep that cannot leave these islands for a holiday – or if they do, they will be forced to stay in a hotel when they return – a fate worse than death! Trouble is, Fatty doesn’t understand that many of those who leave have not the slightest desire ever to return to Boris-land. We are here, because there are no flights.
Sadly, all this faux-patriotic bluster… this G&S sabre rattling is a waste of time.

There is absolutely no chance that we can prevent the vaccines, manufactured by AztraZeneka in the EU from being requisitioned by the EU. After all, the EU control all lines of access to these islands. A fact of geography, not politics. Of course, the small quantities of vaccine being manufactured within the UK will stay – but that small quantity isn’t enough to vaccinate the UK, and it is not what the EU want.’
We shall fight the evil EU in the vaccination rooms, we shall fight in the Nige Fromage lorry park, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and we will stand on the White Cliffs and expose our arses to the French… and tell them to… va te faire foutre!’
But then the French will stop the lorries, and starve the English sheep.