• Campaigners with ‘This is Rigged’ took food and essential items from the shelves of ASDA Govan Superstore
  • The group is demanding that the Scottish Government vocally oppose all new oil and gas, and ensure a fair transition for Scotland’s oil workers
  • Supermarkets are being targeted for their role in increasing inflation and profiting from the cost of living crisis
  • The action repeats similar ones the past two days (29th and 30th May) and last month (30th April).

Six people with ‘This Is Rigged’ entered ASDA Govan Superstore, took food and essential goods from the shelves and deposited them into the supermarket’s food bank. This is the third consecutive day of redistributive action by the group: on Monday, 8 people targeted two Tesco’s branches in the city centre; on Tuesday, 6 people targeted two Sainsbury’s branches in the city centre. 

 This Is Rigged are demanding that the Scottish Government oppose all new fossil fuel projects and create a fair transition for oil workers.

 The supermarkets have been targeted following recent reports about supermarkets driving prices up, in addition to reports of people resorting to shoplifting to meet basic needs amidst the cost of living crisis. ASDA, alongside Tesco and Sainsbury’s, has been named as one of the main drivers of ‘greedflation,’ driving prices up past normal inflation. ASDA has been repeatedly slammed by customers over their disproportionate price hikes, with one dad claiming he was so surprised by the prices he walked out of the store without buying anything. The price of many cupboard staples has doubled in the past 12 months.

In a statement on their social media, This Is Rigged have stated, “Big oil and gas, energy and agribusiness are wreaking social and environmental havoc […] Global elites must learn that infinite profit is impossible on a finite planet.” [1][2][3][6][7][10][12][13]

 The actions this week replicate another by the group last month (April 30th) in which 8 supermarkets around Glasgow (including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, M&S and Waitrose) were targeted.

The group promises to continue targeting supermarkets, as a means to redistribute essential resources into the community. They are encouraging people to replicate the action, with a ‘How-To’ guide published on their website. [11]

Currently, 1 in 3 people in Scotland cannot afford to pay their energy bills.  The amount of people using food banks in Scotland has risen by almost 80% in the last 5 years. As our climate heats and more and more crops start failing, the number of people relying on food banks will continue to increase. [8][9]

 Lewis, 22, software developer who took action this morning said:

“We’re taking action against supermarkets while they rake in millions of pounds in profit during a cost of living crisis. They’re raising prices ahead of the rate of inflation and stealing from normal people to line their pockets. This is rigged!”

 Will, 21, bartender who took action this morning said:

“The cost of living crisis is directly affecting everyone, and rising food prices are causing people to have to skip meals to pay rent. This is an example of a profit over people mentality which we will not accept.”

Eilidh McFadden, 21, community worker and This is Rigged co-founder who took action, said:

“I’m fed up with watching more and more people pushed into poverty each year due to nothing but greed and corruption from global elites. The Scottish government isn’t protecting lives, so we will. We need resistance everywhere, all at once – we need resistance in our communities, we need resistance against the government, we need resistance against those profiting off of our suffering. We need to stand in solidarity with one another, and show them who really has the power.”

 This is Rigged have been causing disruption in Scotland since the start of the year, from disrupting FMQs weekly to smashing the glass case to William Wallace’s sword and painting Holyrood red. Last month, the group vowed to “escalate,” announcing plans to disrupt oil and gas infrastructure in Scotland this summer, until their demand is met. [4][5]

 [1] This is Rigged: is a new Scottish non-violent direct action group – They are demanding the Scottish Government opposes all new fossil fuel projects in Scotland and creates a clear transition plan for oil workers.

 [2] Despite saying in their recent Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, “that unlimited extraction of fossil fuels is not consistent with our climate obligations” https://www.gov.scot/publications/draft-energy-strategy-transition-plan/pages/2/ the Scottish Government are not opposing the current round of over a hundred new licenses and consents for offshore projects. The First Minister has continually dodged calls to oppose Westminster’s murderous projects such as Rosebank – the biggest undeveloped oil and gas field in the North Sea – which will have catastrophic climate impacts. https://www.stopcambo.org.uk/updates/what-is-the-rosebank-oil-field

 [3] “Oil and gas workers are ready to lead a just transition away from oil and gas, but they are caught in a trap of exploitation and fear created by oil and gas companies. Working conditions are plummeting, just as profits, prices and temperatures are soaring.” – Our Power: Offshore Workers’ Demands for a Just Energy Transition – Friends of the Earth Scotland (foe.scot)

 [4] Thursday 2nd of March two Scots smashed the glass surrounding William Wallace’s sword: https://twitter.com/Thisis_Rigged/status/1631304236938952707?s=20 demanding the Scottish Government vocally opposes all new fossil fuel projects in Scotland and creates a clear transition plan for oil workers.

[5] This is Rigged’s Statement on their change of tactics: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U9HxYnyABVylF67O0lRXbI1mLFkV5YDnOxDzS8vI3aM/edit?usp=sharing

[6] Novara media: people resorting to shoplifting due to cost of living crisis https://novaramedia.com/2023/04/10/people-are-shoplifting-their-way-out-of-the-cost-of-living-crisis/#:~:text=Statistics%20compiled%20by%20Kent%20Police,steal%20more%20of%20life’s%20essentials.

 [7] Unite report on supermarkets driving inflation ‘Global greedflation’: big firms ‘driving shopping bills to record highs’ | Inflation | The Guardian

 [8] How the climate crisis causes food shortages – the conversation https://theconversation.com/how-climate-change-and-extreme-weather-may-lead-to-food-shortages-and-escalating-prices-172646

 [9] Climate change and food shortages – The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/10/global-food-supplies-will-suffer-as-temperatures-rise-climate-crisis-report

 [11] Robin Hood ‘How-To’ Guide – This is Rigged


 [12] Supermarkets and the food industry fuelling ‘greedflation’ must be held to account: Unite report on food price inflation, with comment from Sharon Graham:


 [13] Reports from ASDA customers on rising prices of their weekly shop:



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