Dorset Council responds to corporate and social media fake news regarding impact of Bibby Stockholm



This is a joint update from the subgroups that feed into the Multi Agency Forum (MAF), which supports operational planning of the Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland. The MAF consists of representatives from the Home Office, Dorset Council, Portland Town Council, Weymouth Town Council, Dorset Police, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Dorset, and the barge operators Landry & Kling and CTM. Please share the following information with your networks.

The future of Bibby Stockholm

The Home Office has announced that the contract for the Bibby Stockholm barge will not be renewed, and it will cease operations in January 2025.

You can read the full announcement on the website.

The Leader of Dorset Council has also made a public statement on this. You can read that on the Dorset Council website.

All partners will continue to work with the Home Office to understand how this decision will impact on the people seeking asylum who are accommodated on the barge. We are looking into what this means for staff who are employed directly through Home Office funding to support the operation of the vessel.

The Home Office is due to update the factsheet on with information.

Site update

Over the past couple of months new arrivals have continued to move onto the barge from alternative accommodation, with positive feedback from residents being shared with friends.  about their experiences.

Migrant Help have started to offer a service to residents to enhance the 24/7 access which is already in place. Residents are now able to book an appointment with a Migrant Help advisor who will be on board fortnightly to assist residents with any questions, complaints or concerns that they may have.

Last month (July) many residents enjoyed watching the Euros 2024 onboard and are continuing with the Olympic Games.  

Many residents are also taking the opportunity to enjoy the warmer weather and taking the opportunity to take part in the many outdoor leisure activities available to them both on board and in the local community, Residents have been offered on board eye tests with over 80% of those tested needing glasses. The optician will be hoping to carry out further visits in forthcoming weeks. A local bank has recently facilitated several residents opening a bank account and providing them with financial advice which has proven popular with residents.

Community Safety

The Community Impact Group (CIG) comprises of representatives from the police, NHS, Dorset Council, Portland Town Council, Weymouth Town Council, local business community and other community representatives. Any issues are raised at the regular CIG meetings with solutions identified and discussed and appropriate action taken forward.

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) have been carrying out regular visits to the barge for training, crew familiarisation and community engagement. A bespoke safety presentation has been developed for the residents, and they are also encouraged to look at the service’s website,, for further advice, as the content can be translated into other languages.

Now the warmer weather is here we are seeing more of the residents out and about in the local community whether it’s to take part in activities or to explore the local area. The staff on board the barge, as part of the resident’s induction have been advising them of appropriate behaviour in the community. A joint initiative between Home Office, CTM and local police has meant residents will be receiving enhanced cultural awareness sessions over the next few weeks.

If anyone has any concerns about interactions, they either observe or are directly involved with regarding residents of the barge, please make sure to report it to the local police.

Dorset Police continues to work closely with partners to ensure the smooth running of the vessel. Bibby residents continue to have a low impact on the communities on Portland and Weymouth and there is no evidence that barge residents have caused any disruption to tourism which continues within Portland and surrounding areas. Any issues are dealt with promptly and proportionately.

There are often rumours whenever an incident is reported, alleging barge residents are involved. This can quickly escalate on social media. The Dorset Police news website provides updates on many incidents across the Dorset area, if you require any further information, please use this resource for accurate information.

Media and social media continue to be monitored. Where appropriate, Multi Agency Forum partners provide accurate, information to dispel rumours and reduce the spread of misinformation.

Positive PR campaign

Dorset Council, Portland Town Council and Weymouth Town Council are working with We Are Weymouth on a positive campaign showcasing all the great things Weymouth & Portland has to offer. This includes our Jurassic Coast, award winning beaches and nature reserves as well as the entertainment and hospitability that the areas are renowned for. The campaign will be targeted to people outside of the Dorset area, using data and statistics to pinpoint specific geographical areas such as Bristol, the Midlands, and the East Coast, as this is where a substantial number of our visitors come from. By running this campaign, in addition to the great work that Visit Dorset already does, we plan to dispel some of the misinformed negativity that has been seen across media and social media which has sought to make the erroneous suggestion that the barge is impacting tourism.

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