A thought-provoking cross between a gym class and a performance about ageing, time and the body – be ready to join in!
Elan Vital is a performance to exercise the mind, spirit and body, showing at 6pm and 8pm on Saturday 28th June at Pavilion Dance South West.
Upon entering the gym, Chris will lead you in a class, suitable for all abilities including beginners. Playing with the structure of fitness classes and the language of motivational sport, she encourages you to consider the ageing process of body and mind and what it does to our dreams and ambitions.
This performance is an exploration of ageing, a gentle reminder that time is running out and an invitation to ask ourselves, “Have we left it too late?”
For more information visit www.pdsw.org.uk
Dress for a gym class: trainers, loose comfortable clothing. Be ready to be active.
Sarah Probert