Dorset Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner have welcomed a report which has concluded that the Force’s approach to keeping people safe and reducing crime is ‘good’.
The report forms part of HM Inspectorate of Constabulary’s Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy, or PEEL, inspections.
It assessed the Force’s approach to crime prevention and keeping people safe which includes tackling anti-social behaviour and organised crime, along with working with partners to support vulnerable victims. The inspection also looked at standards of crime investigation and the management of offenders.
The Inspectorate found that the Force maintains a visible presence in the local communities and that crime investigations are of a good standard with skilled and experienced officers.
It also acknowledged that Dorset Police is good at safeguarding the public from dangerous and prolific offenders. Officers and staff understand the threat and risk from organised crime groups, and effectively monitor and disrupt criminal activity.
Chief Constable Debbie Simpson, said: “I very much welcome the HMIC’s good grading and that our efforts are being viewed positively.
“This is a reflection of all the steps we have taken to ensure Dorset remains one of the safest counties and how we hold victims at the heart of what we do.
“Of particular note, I am pleased to see Dorset has once again been singled out for our ability to protect the most vulnerable people in our communities, something which will always be my priority.”
The HMIC report noted that Dorset Police needs to improve its procedures to retrieve digital evidence from smartphones, tablets and other devices. However, it is recognised that the Force prioritises the most serious crimes such as child abuse for digital examination. These cases are dealt with immediately.
The Inspectorate concluded that Dorset Police’s plan for reducing crime demonstrates a strong commitment to prevention and keeping people safe. It is based on solid research and analysis which identifies key priorities. The Force’s plan aligns closely to that of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, Martyn Underhill, welcomed the HMIC’s grading. He said “I am pleased to see Dorset Police being recognised for its efforts in safeguarding the vulnerable, protecting the public from dangerous people and in reducing crime.
“You cannot have three more important areas from a public safety point of view. For the second time in a fortnight, HMIC have shown Dorset Police to be ‘good’ in key areas of policing, and whilst that is refreshing, it is a reminder of the constant challenges we face.
“The areas covered in this report are at the very heart of policing by consent.”