Andrew’s ‘misremembering’ legal attack on Virginia Giuffre is a tactic as old as time for the UK Monarchy. The Duke of York’s efforts to gaslight Giuffre has failed spectacularly.

Virginia Giuffre’s lawyer has criticised Prince Andrew’s legal team for requesting her mental health records, saying people “don’t misremember sexual abuse by a prince of England”

First, he expected the public to believe that she had misremembered these events. Now he expects us to forget “he forgot.” Is he suffering from early onset dementia or does he need psychological counselling?

As brazen as this now defunct defence strategy was, the uncomfortable truth is that the UK population ‘misremember’ when it comes to the monarchy all the time. We will return next week to look into some of the stories the UK monarchy would rather we forget.

Steve Cook
UK Monarchy unveiled

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