I’m so sorry, how stupid of me not to know
You still can’t have tattoos or piercings on show
It would seem that difference is still feared and hated
Surely that opinion is well and truly outdated?
I can feel taunting eyes
Of those who love to criticise
But you don’t know us all personally
I’m fairly certain you’ve never met me
So why label me like I’m your property?
I am a human being, not a possesion!
Why is judging others such an obsession?
Proof that things aren’t getting better, they’re getting worse
11th of August 2007, another body in a hearse
Its been five years now since Sophie
When will people see?
You can’t judge superficially!!
People probably always have, probably always will
Societies fear of the unknown means they label us mentally ill
Freak, goth, emo, weirdo
Why? Because we have how we feel on show?
Our tattoos, are ours, each one a work of art
Of how we feel, straight from the heart
It’s illegal to judge someone on sexuality or on their race
So why judge, if someone has metal in their blood and on their face?
If you wanna get dreads or dye your hair
Why should anyone but you care?
I guess being modified, having piercings and tattoos
Is always gonna cause unneccesary, unwanted issues
People are always gonna stare
Eventually I hope people wont care
You wanna label me a freak? Fine, it’s becoming a more popular crowd
i guess what I’m trying to say is… I AM A FREAK AND I AM PROUD!
By Rianna Jane