The Fine Foundation Chesil Beach Centre will host a baking event this weekend with the opportunity to enter your best baking or come along with the kids to decorate a gingerbread wildlife shape. Masterchef winner Mat Follas, of Chesil Beach Café and The Wild Garlic, will be judging all the entries and the winners will be invited to submit their recipes to a Dorset Wildlife Trust Best Bakes recipe book.
The cake classes are: chocolate brownies; Dorset apple cake; a cake with at least 1 vegetable in it; open class for your family favourite cake; cup cake class with a wildlife decoration; and a decorated gingerbread shape. There will also be the opportunity to try some of DWT’s current Best Bakes and stock up on gifts and stocking fillers for Christmas in the Centre’s shop.
Emily Brown, Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Discover Chesil Officer, said: “Chesil Beach is a wonderful place to visit, especially on a blustery winter’s day. Bring along your Best Bake and get the kids involved in some gingerbread decoration. Then round off your visit with some fresh air on the beach!”
TheFine Foundation Chesil Beach Centre isrun by Dorset Wildlife Trust on behalf of a partnership including Weymouth and Portland Borough Council, the Chesil Bank and the Fleet Nature Reserve and the Jurassic Coast Team with the continued help of local volunteers. The rebuilt Centreincludes an education room, exhibition area, shop and a café, with panoramic views of the Fleet lagoon and world famous Chesil Beach.
The Chesil Best Bake weekend runs from 10am to 4pm daily on Saturday 1st December and Sunday 2ndDecemberat the Fine Foundation Chesil Beach Centre, A354 Portland Road, Weymouth DT4 9XE. Free entry so you can just drop off your cake at the Centre before mid-day on Sunday 2nd December. Judging commences at 2 pmand cakes can be collected after judging. For more information ring the Chesil Beach Centre on 01305 206193.
Dorset Wildlife Trust is part of the Natural Weymouth and Portland Partnership; connecting people with nature