Labour’s Anti-Semitism row has taken a worrying turn as the High Court has just decreed that it’s ok to call someone an Anti-Semite without proof, if that’s your ‘opinion’. This opens the flood gates, as Tony Greenstein​ rightly points out, because most Palestine Solidarity activists have been labeled anti-Semites at some point or another.

Let’s defeat the libel, slander and weaponisation associated with anti semitism

The Campaign Against AntiSemitism (CAA) fought hard to avoid having to justify their accusations in court and aimed to hide behind ‘honest opinion’ instead but Tony’s not letting this go! He’s taking it to the appeal court and thank God for that because if he doesn’t, the potential impact on Labour members and the Labour leadership, who clearly express solidarity with Palestine, is unthinkable.

Please show Tony you’re support and contribute whatever you can afford to help him with legal costs so he can appeal this decision and fight the CAA and please remember to share his gofundme page and ask others to do the same…

Koser Saeed

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