If the Tory party want to play dirty let’s take the gloves off


False accusations re antisemitism and the IRA from the off. So let’s shine the light onto the Tories and how their unlawful behaviour with children was covered up.

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And then consider Jimmy Savile.

Jimmy Savile a well known Tory and Thatcher supporter. Interestingly although well known his behaviour was covered up until after his death.

Investigative journalist Nigel Ward found a cover up by the police dating back years: https://dorseteye.com/savile-jaconelli-corrigan-paedo-ring-investigation-update/

A love letter from Savile to Margaret Thatcher: https://dorseteye.com/from-jimmy-to-maggie-with-love/

As you can see the vile disgusting behaviour sits at the heart of the Conservative Party and their accusations towards Labour and Jeremy Corbyn apart from being politically motivated are also designed to deflect from their own repulsive history.

And let us nail the IRA accusation once and for all.

‘Jeremy Corbyn’s was an envoy of the British government who played a vital role in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Not only that, but he met – and was highly regarded by – senior figures in both republican and loyalist groups.’

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What was Boris Johnson’s role apart from lying to the public? Oh yes.

And the antisemitism?

Yes it exists in the Labour party but according to YouGov it is considerably greater amongst Tory members….

‘YouGov polls done in 2015 and again in 2017 found that Tory voters are more likely to hold negative views about Jews than Labour voters. For example, in 2015, 31% Conservatives thought Jews chase money more than other Britons. In 2017, the figure went down to 22%. For Labour the figures were 22% and 14%.’

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What Jewish people in Labour really think: https://dorseteye.com/jewish-voices-in-discussion-reveal-all-about-being-jewish-the-labour-party/

And not one scrap of evidence to show Jeremy Corbyn is antisemitic. In fact the evidence reveals quite the opposite.


The facts can be hard to take especially when a person has convinced themselves they are right. But actually this is when they are at their most dangerous.

Therefore, unless one is wearing an intellectual blindfold knocking out all of their senses, the evidence suggests that the Conservative Party has a lot more to hide than Labour or any other party.

It is time to change this country for the better. Let’s do it.

Douglas James



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