Keir Starmer and David Evans now lead an openly racist, antisemitic, bullying, hypocritical, authoritarian disgrace of a Party.

They are now briefing *THE SPECTATOR-SEE ATTACHED PHOTOS, THE S*N & THE DAILY MAIL* whilst bullying and being antisemitic to our own Jewish members. With total impunity.

One has to hand it to The Mail and Spectator. They attract the nationalists and uber patriots whilst still lauding the Nazis.

They are breaking the law, breaking EHRC, breaking IHRA, breaking Labour rules, NEC Sovereign disciplinary decisions (a panel THEY chose & fast-tracked), PLP standing orders etc. All with the complete support and endorsement of ANY Labour person who says nothing about this and all of our mainstream media.

This is completely and utterly disgusting, and I will very much keep saying this until sanity prevails or somebody stops me. I will not allow my Jewish comrades to be treated so appallingly and to be persecuted *FOR BEING JEWISH* by someone deciding who the ‘right type of Jew’ is.

Words cannot describe how angry, embarrassed, humiliated & disgusted I feel being led by this shower of sh**e and our mainstream media saying f**k all about it. Hang your heads in shame!!!

Solidarity to all my Jewish comrades & everyone else mortified by this.

Do not let them silence you, do not let them bully you.

Adam Samuels


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  1. The party are its members and a lot are fighting against these truth-twisters. I agree with:
    “Keir Starmer and David Evans now lead an openly racist, antisemitic, bullying, hypocritical, authoritarian disgrace of” up to but not including “a Party”. Until there is a mainstream Socialist Party worth joining, the Labour Party is all that the ‘labourers’ in this Country have. The Neoliberal Zionists need to be confronted at every opportunity.