Defacing an inanimate concrete likeness of a dead racist – 10 years in prison.
Raping a woman – 5 years in prison.

If the sickness that grips this pitifully backward & hysterical island wasn’t so horrifying it would be laughable. It’s terminal, I do believe. The only thing uncertain is whether climate breakdown ushers in an extinction event before Ingerlund completes its descent into fascism.

Half the population is so warped by ignorant nationalism that they can’t see the wood for the spitfires. They think it’ll just be the ‘leftards’ and the ‘woke warriors’ who’ll feel the union jackboot on their necks. Ho ho ho. Rude awakening incoming, cap-doffers.

Despite their demanding bloodthirsty state-issued retribution for anyone who isn’t a white, spluttering, middle-aged bootlicker, white, spluttering, middle-aged bootlickers everywhere see no contradiction in simultaneously demanding unconditional freedom of speech and deploring the largely non-existent ‘cancel culture.’ Still, intellectual rigour isn’t a feature generally associated with the gammonati, is it?

I see some on the left clinging to the hilarious fantasy that racist boomers will die out soon, like dinosaurs, & humanity will move to a more evolved, a more enlightened state; that demented, authoritarian Tory governments will wither away for lack of a constituency to elect them. A cursory peek at, well, anything, really, should shatter that illusion. Comments from men under fifty, this weekend, on any number of threads regarding the lives of women shows only one thing – a sizeable contingent of younger LARPing fash eager to take their turn in oppressing women, celebrating wars they never fought & shagging the flags their fathers flew.

Imagine getting misty-eyed & swallowing lumps in your throat at the thought of dead soldiers while sniggering at rape ‘jokes’ and cheering when children, literal children, drown in the English Channel? Yet here we are.

Once, improving the lives of the voters was a route to electoral success for any aspiring politician. Now, the government will gleefully grind your face into the dirt and your average English voter will thank them for the privilege. And lick the boots clean afterwards. Just as long as a hated minority, somewhere, somehow, is getting it worse.

Which is how we end up with horrorshows like the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill. Merely the latest race to the bottom which, to remind you, means defacing an inanimate concrete likeness of a dead racist could land you 10 years in prison.
While raping a woman will see you out in 5.

If you’re still proud of your country by now you aren’t a patriot; you’re an unhinged nut job. Which, in this Ingerlund, means you’re at least in with a fighting chance of someone erecting a statue in your honour.

Harry Paterson


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