Community Cash
We’ve got cash for good ideas here at LINks. If you have an idea for a project that will benefit peoples’ health and wellbeing in Bournemouth, Poole and/or Dorset please get in touch. Last year we gave away £20,000 to over 40 community projects. This year we have even more money, so if your idea’s really amazing – we’ll give you up to £1000.
Send in your ideas (up to 500 words) along with your contact details to LINks Dorset. You can email, write, phone or tweet your ideas in – just make sure you contact us before 21st September.
Tel: 0300 111 0102
Email: [email protected]
Tweet @LINksDorset
Write: LINks, Freepost BH1902,896 Christchurch Road, BH7 6BR