Purpose: This is a joint update from the subgroups that feed into the Multi Agency Forum (MAF), which supports operational planning of the Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland. The MAF consists of representatives from the Home Office, Dorset Council, Portland Town Council, Weymouth Town Council, Dorset Police, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Dorset and the barge operators Landry & Kling and CTM. Please share the following information with your networks
Site update
Following the tragic death on board in December, there was significant local and national media coverage. There has been further coverage involving the deceased man’s family and former roommate on board. All residents and staff have access to mental health support, and the Migrant Help helpline is available 24/7 to asylum seekers. Local faith leaders attended the barge on the day of the death and continue to provide pastoral care and arrangements are being finalised for enhanced mental health support on site for barge residents alongside their routine GP service.
Local agencies have been responding to media enquiries. Media and social media monitoring continues, and when required, MAF partners are providing accurate information to dispel rumours and reduce the spread of misinformation. The work of the multi-agency Community Impact Group plays a vital role in monitoring the local situation and they are actively working to head-off misinformed rumours. Given the Coroners ongoing investigation into the death, nobody is able to comment on the case pending the Coroner’s Inquiry.
While paused over the Christmas period, new arrivals have resumed, in line with plans agreed with local agencies. People continue to move off the barge for various reasons, such as receiving a decision on their right to remain or finding alternative accommodation with friends or family. There are now asylum interview facilities onboard, which reduces travel to appointments where possible, and have been well-received by the asylum seekers.
Life on board was calm over the Christmas period with no major incidents reported. Several of the residents spent time away from the barge visiting friends and family.
On board facilities
The catering facilities on the Bibby Stockholm have recently been awarded the highest rating (‘5’) under the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Food Hygiene Rating Scheme from Dorset Council.
Televisions in the bedrooms on board have now been connected, which provides additional recreational facilities for residents.
Voluntary and community activities
The residents on the barge continue to take part in various activities provided by voluntary and community partners. An experienced volunteer and activities co-ordinator is now in post to support the growth in activities going forward. This role has been funded through Home Office funding related to the barge.
Community Safety
The Community Impact Group (CIG) meets weekly to monitor the situation. The CIG comprises representatives from Dorset Police, NHS, Dorset Council, Portland Town Council, Weymouth Town Council, local business community and other community representatives. There have been no issues of concern reported recently.
There are often rumours on social media whenever a crime is committed, alleging barge residents are involved. Dorset Police website provides updates, so if you want further information, please use this resource.
Home Affairs Select Committee visit
On Thursday 18 January, members of Parliament’s Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC), and the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR), visited the barge to see for themselves how the barge is operated, and to hear from those living aboard. The MPs also had a long session with representatives from the Multi Agency Forum — local leaders from the council, NHS, Police, and Fire & Rescue Services, as well as local community representatives — in which the MPs were told about the extent of local agencies and community involvement, and the local effort and thought that had been, and continues to be given, to the welfare and safety of both those on board and the wider community.
Please share these updates and information with other people in your networks. Further information is available at Portland Port: factsheet – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
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