Following the desperate attempts to get Westminster and the corporations to listen to the evidence of climate change, while many are fiddling while Rome burns, Extinction Rebellion have upped the anti in what will now be a long and increasingly more public campaign to attempt to change the direction of the destructive super tanker.

Extinction Rebellion protesters have superglued themselves around the Speaker’s Chair inside the House of Commons.

Five demonstrators were pictured in the chamber demanding a citizens’ assembly to discuss the climate crisis.

The protesters held banners which read “let the people decide” and “citizens’ assembly now”.

Banners have also been dropped across The Palace of Westminster.

The campaign group posted a photo of the stunt on Twitter, adding: “We are in crisis. We cannot afford to carry on like this.”

In another tweet they said: “The protest points to the need for a Citizens’ Assembly to cut through the corruption in Westminster, update politics & let the people decide.”

Parliament is currently on its summer recess until Monday, when it will be confirmed whether Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak has won the Tory leadership race.

A House of Commons spokesperson said: “We are aware of an incident on the Parliamentary Estate and are currently dealing with the situation as a matter of urgency.”

But how will the Plutocrats respond?

Truss has already stated that clamping down on protest is her raison d’etre and that democracy is an inconvenience to the rich and powerful.

However, as things become more desperate so will the response by those in the public who are awake. As more and more evidence reveals itself the deniers and those who put profiteering first will find the public less and less tolerant.

They better watch out because the snap line is very close.

Douglas James

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