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Poole LINk – July eNews

Here’s your July Poole LINk update !  Poole LINk eNews – July 2012 

Hot off the press – it’s the Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset LINks’ “flipping book” – A Year In Review! Please have a look and let us know what you think of it: https://www.makesachange.org.uk/cms/site/news/poole/bournemouth-poole-and-dorset-links-flipping-book—a-year-in-review.aspx

NEW LINk Facebook page

Come and say hello via our official Facebook page. We’ll be regularly sharing updates, photos, projects we’re working on, developments, plans, project outcomes – for everything you need to know about LINks, we’ll be posting it online: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bournemouth-Poole-and-Dorset-LINks/370378919696180?sk=notes

Residents in Hamworthy Have Even More To Smile About

HAMWORTHY RESIDENTS will soon benefit from a new NHS dentist thanks to a campaign led by Poole LINk. Smile (Care Dental) Limited has been awarded a contract for 7,000 dental appointments in Hamworthy, which equates to one full time dentist. They are now securing premises in the area and plan to be open for business within the next 3 months. A local resident told us: ‘I live in Hamworthy and the LINk has worked really hard to get us an NHS dentist in that area.’

If you live in Hamworthy and would like to put your name down on the waiting list for NHS treatment, you can register on the PCT website (www.dorset.nhs.uk) or send a letter with your name and address to the PCT at Canford House, 551-553 Wallisdown Road, Poole, BH6 3SH for the attention of PALs. More details are available on our website: www.poolelink.org.ukor call 0300 111 0102.

We need your help…

1. We’ve received some comments about continence products over the last month. Some people aren’t pleased with the quality of NHS continence products and others have found that they don’t receive enough continence pads, so they’re forced to buy extra with their own money. Does this issue affect you? Please tell us your story – the more evidence we gather the more we can do about it. Contact Louise on 0300 111 0102 or email [email protected]

2. Have you been turned down for a referral to a consultant by NHS Bournemouth & Poole, because of the cost? If you have, we’d like to hear from you. Contact Louise on 0300 111 0102 or email [email protected]

LINk Comment of the Month

I spoke to pupils from Avonbourne School last week and asked them to tell me what could improve the health and wellbeing of young people. Here’s one response:

‘Have lessons on nutrition in schools, so young people are aware of what is good for them and what isn’t.’

What do you think….

LINk Grants

We’ll be advertising this years LINk Grants in the next few weeks. The LINk will be giving away thousands of pounds to charities and community groups who support local peoples’ health and wellbeing. One of the successful bids for last years LINk grants was Parkstone Sports & Arts Centre (PSAAC), they told us:

‘The £300 grant from LINKs enabled us to replace some very worn out old kit, repair our old football goals in our indoor sports hall to prolong their life/use & be safer. The Archery taster session was fab with entire families taking part not just our 8-16s – much fun was had by all & there may be a few new “shooters” amongst Poole’s young people also! It was great to get the young people exposed to a very different sport that they would not normally be able to afford. The grant has been of great benefit to us at PSAAC – Thank You LINKs!’

If you could use a small pot of money to get a wellbeing project started in Poole – please get in touch with Louise on 0300 111 0102.

Borough of Poole would like to hear your views!

The Borough of Poole is asking you to tell them how good they are at involving you with decision making. Engaging with the community involves local people in decision making that can affect how you and your family live your life in Poole and the Borough is asking all residents to take 5 minutes to fill out an online survey which can be found by clicking here.

This survey is part of the Community Engagement Working Party’s review to understand the views of residents on the ways in which the Council currently engages with the community and to ask people for their views on ways to improve engagement. The Involving People Survey closes on 23rd July. If you would prefer a paper copy of this survey, please call 01202 633086

Social Care White Paper

Andrew Lansley presented his social care white paper on Wednesday 11thJuly. Ministers have refused to fully commit to a cap on care costs for the elderly and disabled in England, saying they need to explore cheaper options first. They unveiled funding ideas including a higher cap or asking people to pay a fee to opt in to the system. A review last year proposed capping lifetime costs at £35,000 – but ministers said the current climate meant it had to look at other options. The move has disappointed those involved in the social care system. For more details go to: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-18783157

Here is a link to 8 factsheets produced by the Department of Health explaining some of the key topics covered by the draft Care and Support Bill: https://www.dh.gov.uk/health/2012/07/cs-bill-factsheets/

Help improve care for people with learning disabilities

The GMC has launched a new website to help doctors and other healthcare professionals provide better care for people with special needs. The site gives doctors an idea of the small changes they can make to their practice which can have a big impact on the standard of care they provide.

To help promote the site, the GMC has designed a promotional card for people with learning disabilities to give to those providing their healthcare. To help the GMC reach as many doctors as possible, please pass this information on to anyone in your organisation or network who you think can help.

To request promotional cards on behalf of individuals or organisations, please call the GMC’s Contact Centre on 0161 923 6602 or email [email protected] and tell them how many you need, quoting ‘Netbuddy’. More info here: https://www.netbuddy.org.uk/newsletter/help-improve-care-for-people-with-learning-disabilities/?preview&edit-off

Learning Disability Services

A Care Quality Commission (CQC) programme of inspections of services for people with learning disabilities found that there was a one in two chance of people being in a service that did not meet the required standards. The findings are revealed in a national report that analyses the results of 145 unannounced inspections carried out in the wake of the abuse uncovered by the BBC Panorama programme at Winterbourne View Hospital. Inspections focused on examining the care and welfare of people who use services, and whether people were safe from abuse.

CQC inspectors were joined by professional experts and ‘experts by experience’ – people who have first hand experience of care or as a family carer and who can provide the patient or carer perspective. Overall, CQC found that nearly half the hospitals and care homes inspected did not meet the required standards. Many of the failings identified by this report are the result of care not being centred on the individual.  CQC says that too often people are fitted into services rather than services being tailored to people’s individual needs. For more details go to: https://www.cqc.org.uk/public/reports-surveys-and-reviews/themed-inspections/review-learning-disability-services

Have your say: No decision about me, without me

Have your say on proposals to secure shared decision making with this new consultation from the Department of Health. Full details and the easy read version of the paperwork is available on our website: https://www.makesachange.org.uk/cms/site/news/poole/have-your-say-no-decision-about-me-without-me.aspx  NB. The closing date for this consultation is 31st August.

New Hamworthy Youth Club

Poole Youth Services are looking to start a Youth Club in the Hamworthy Area and need volunteers. If you are interested please come along to find out more on Thursday 19thJuly 7pm – 8pm in  Hamworthy Library For more details please phone 01202 262281 or email: [email protected]

The Quay School @ Harbourside

The Mayor of Poole, Councillor Carol Evans officially opened the new Quay School @ Harbourside, Turlin Moor on Tuesday 26 June 2012.

Formerly known as the Learning Support Service, The Quay School provides education for young people who cannot attend mainstream school for emotional, behavioural or medical reasons.  The Turlin Moor site combines Key Stage 4 and vocational courses previously offered at Broadstone Youth Centre and Rossmore Community Campus, with facilities for a maximum of 40 students, working in small classes of between six and eight. A vegetable garden, planted and cared for by young people studying Land Based Studies, will provide fresh ingredients for the Catering and Hospitality students to run a community cafe on a regular basis. Residents will also, from September, be able to book in to the nail bar for a manicure or to the hairdressing salon for a wash and blow dry. More info here: https://www.poole.gov.uk/newsroom/june/official-opening-of-the-quay-school-harbourside/

The Leonardo Trust

Are you at home, looking after someone you love who is ill or disabled? Would a short break, or extra free time, be helpful to you? The Leonardo Trust is a registered charity set up to make life a little easier for those who care full-time for others. For more details contact Christine Edwards at [email protected]call 01202 698325 or go to: https://www.leonardotrust.org/index.html

Lunch Club Launch

Stanfield Close hub has recently launched their very own lunch club providing hot meals to residents and the local community. This is partnership working with St Aldhelms Academy school, who will be catering and delivering the food. The new lunch club in Rossmore is hosted by Lesly Curtis sheltered housing coordinator and Chris Foster support Officer. Hot lunch includes a main meal or vegetarian option with vegetables, sweet tea, coffee or squash – all for just £3.00. For more details contact Lesley on telephone 01202 743396 (Payment at booking if possible). NB. Please book early as spaces are limited

Poole man challenges himself to charity trek

Pooleresident Stephano Pini, concierge at the Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott hotel has pledged to break in his walking boots by trekking 20 miles in the hope of raising funds for Lewis-Manning Hospice. The journey will take him from the Sandbanks Beach Café to Hengistbury Head and back again for Lewis-Manning Hospice’s ‘Pound the Prom’ event on 29 July. Pound the Prom is open to all, and participants have the option to walk, jog or run five miles, 10 miles or 20 miles. The event starts at 9am at the Sandbanks Beach Café with a warm up from Poole Fitness First instructors.

Registration is £15 per adult and £5 per child (under 16) which includes a charity t-shirt (for adults only), halfway refreshments and a goody bag. The suggested minimum sponsorship is £25 per adult and £10 per child. If you’d like to sponsor Stephano then call Lewis-Manning Hospice on 01202 701 000. To register for Pound the Prom please visit www.lewis-manning.co.uk/pound-the-prom.

Samaritans support for young people

Following work carried out over a number of years with groups of young people, Samaritans decided to offer text messaging, along with the ‘phone and email service, all of which are available 24/7- face to face contact is from 9 am to 9 pm. every day. Samaritans receive far more text and email contacts from young people than are received on the ‘phone. In the words of one young caller ‘You don’t even have to give your voice away and no one can hear you cry’. Samaritans offer the same confidential listening support to young people as that offered to adults and practice the same ‘signposting’ to other agencies for those callers who need particular support and guidance and ask for that help. National phone no 08457 90 90 90  Local phone no. 551999

 Home Eye Care service

Healthcall Optical Services specialise in home eye care services; they can take care of everything from home eye tests and dispensing of glasses to a comprehensive aftercare service. Mobile opticians will conduct eye tests at your home free of charge, as the NHS covers the cost if you are unable to get to a high street opticians unaided. The mobile opticians will then recommend the right lenses for you and you can choose from a wide range of spectacle frames whether you are looking for budget frames or the latest designer frames at very competitive. To find out more go to: https://www.healthcalloptical.co.uk/or contact Kirsty Ellis on: [email protected]

Need some help getting online?

Poole Libraries now have free Computer Buddy Drop-in sessions at most libraries. This is ideal if you are just starting out using a computer, but need a bit of help. A volunteer will sit with you at one of the library public computers. They will show you the  Go On website as well as some others which have a number of free online tutorials to help you learn or will just answer your questions the best they can. Come and meet the Computer Buddies at these libraries, no need to book, just drop in!

  • Broadstone Library – Mondays and Wednesdays 2.00pm to 4.00pm ( Wednesdays are term-time only)
  • Canford Heath Library – Thursdays 10.00am to 12.00pm
  • Creekmoor Library – Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00am to 12.30pm
  • Hamworthy Library – Mondays 2.30 to 4.30 pm, Thursdays 2.00pm to 4.00pm 
  • Parkstone Library – Tuesdays 11.00am to 1.00pm (term-time only) 
  • PooleCentral Library – Tuesdays and Thursdays 1.00pm to 4.00pm
  • Rossmore Library – Tuesdays 10.00am to 12.00pm

Knit & Natter

Knit & chat together at Rossmore Community Library every Wednesday 10.30—12.30, from June 20th. If you can’t knit, come and learn (transport available). For more information contact Marion: 01202 524224, [email protected]or Janet: 01202 262452, [email protected]

Top Tweets

@WeRspartacus: Could U B a good MP, Councillor or Police Commissioner? Govt launches £2.6 million fund 2 help disabled https://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/media-centre/news/access-to-elected-office

@BoroughofPoole : 2 celebrate the Torch Relay passing through ‪#Poole– U R invited to some free local events: https://tinyurl.com/cj9bvko 

Response from @RichardatKF @TheKingsFund to #carewhitepaper & progress report on funding reform https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/press/press_releases/financial_vacuum_at.html < a financial vacuum

Follow us on Twitter @poolelink – we now have over 200 followers, please join them and help us promote the LINk. Just click on the blue bird below…..

Thanks for reading and if you’d like us to include information about your project or event in the next eNews, please contact Louise 

We’re always looking for volunteers to get involved in LINk projects and your comments direct the LINks work – so tell us what you think about local health and social care services. Contact Louise Bate, Poole LINk Development Officer

Tel: 0300 111 0102

Mobile: 07717 702132

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.poolelink.org.uk

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