Princess Anne visited Weymouth today to officially open Roadwise.
Roadwise is a MULTI-MILLION pound centre which will save lives on Dorset’s roads.
Roadwise is the next step for Safewise, which runs a number of interactive programmes to teach youngsters about issues like fire safety, healthy living and dangers in the home.
On arrival Princess Anne was introduced to a number of civic dignitaries by HM Lord Lieutenant and Patron of the SafeWise charity, Angus Campbell.
She then observed a number of activities including children from Conifers Primary school undertaking interactive road safety education lessons at the puffin and zebra pedestrian crossings and DFRS Red Watch demonstrating underground rescue and extraction techniques in the new RoadWise emergency Training Area. Princess Anne will then make a short speech and unveil a stone to commemorate the opening of the RoadWise centre.
Safewise chief executive Alison Shelton said: “We are delighted that Princess Anne is giving us the ‘Royal seal of approval’.
Young people can be educated to take care on our roads and avoid dangers and hazards by learning skills and being attentive.
(Thanks to Christopher Wakefield for the pics)
” After several years in the making the vision of an outdoor road safety centre has finally become reality. Following on the tradition of SafeWise’s safety centre in Bournemouth, LV=Streetwise, RoadWise brings life-sized interactive road safety education to life in a safe, controlled and memorable environment. “
“Within the 3,000 square metre road circuit there are working pedestrian and zebra crossings, a mini roundabout, one way street, T junctions, a yellow junction box and battery operated mini cars that will help children to better understand the risks and consequences of being both a pedestrian and a driver the roads.
“To reach this point we have had tremendous support from Dorset Fire Authority and Dorset Fire & Rescue Service, the Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner, Dorset Police, Dorset County Council, Siemens, SSE Contracting, Network Rail and a whole host of supportive organisations including Morgan Sindall, Bournemouth White Lining, South Western Scaffolding, Swift Signs, Kingston Maurward College and Sherborne Turf.
“We have been overwhelmed by the supportive community spirit displayed by our public bodies, people and businesses across the Weymouth and Dorset communities, all wanting to help save lives and prevent needless tragedies on our roads.” Roadwise will be one of two stops on the Princess’ visit to Dorset- after Roadwise, the princess set off to the Tank Museum at Bovington, to officially open a new exhibition.
Tank Men: The Story of the First Crews marks the centenary of the first tank attack in history. It will focus on eight men who crewed tanks during the First World War.
Exhibitions officer Sarah Lambert said:
“The new exhibition tells the story of eight British tank soldiers who were among the pioneers of armoured warfare. These individuals were carefully chosen following extensive research in the museum’s archives, allowing us to draw upon previously unseen materials to assemble their histories.
The exhibition will focus on Elliot Hotblack, Sydney Hadley, Archie Smith, Basil Henriques, Walter Ratcliffe, Albert Baker, Clement Arnold- and Dorset born Cyril Coles.
“These aren’t household names- they were just ordinary soldiers,” said Sarah.
“They were chosen because their remarkable experiences illustrate dramatic and moving stories that have stood the test of time and continue to have a powerful and emotional impact today.”
Alongside the personal stories, the museum is redisplaying the finest collection of First World War tanks in the world- including the world’s only surviving example of the Mark 1 tank that first saw action 100 years ago